• I’d like the first post which I’ve written to appear when a visitor first visits the site. Also in the sidebar I’d like the first one to appear first then the second and third etc. in chronological order. I searched the forum but none of them seemed to offer either a “for dummies” answer or one specific to my question. Thankyou for the assistance.

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  • Search for reverse order.

    Thread Starter gohst


    You know, this forum would be a lot more helpful if people actually helped rather than redirected.

    Thanks for nothing. I guess I’ll search again, even though I already have.

    By the way, if anyone has an <i>actual</i> reply, I’d like to hear it.

    You know, this forum would be a lot easier to be helpful in if one didn’t have to answer the same questions over and over again.

    Now that we got the churlish behavior out of the way…

    There are a number of ways to force oldest post to display first. However, it sounds like you’re asking to display just one post on your blog’s main page, that being the first one, and along with that a list of posts (first to last) on the sidebar.

    You should be able to use query_posts() for both:


    For example:

    <?php query_posts('order=ASC&showposts=1'); ?>

    Would initialize a post loop to display a single post, starting with the oldest first (ASCending order).

    Thread Starter gohst


    I put that snippet of code in index.php of my theme and it displayed the first post on the main page but produced some odd side effects.

    One of them was, even though it is the first post, it had under it a link to click for “previous posts”. Not “next posts” which would be logical.

    The other thing was when you clicked “previous posts” the link was www.example.org/index.php/page/2/ which is just weird. You can click it but you just get the same post, but you’re on /page/2/ clicking it again takes you to /3/ etc. just into infinity, but always the same thing.


    The template tag posts_nav_link() (which is what’s typically used to generate next/previous posts links) is not ‘order’ aware. So it may not be logical, but is programmatically correct. However, there are parameters that allow you to modify what’s used for the next and previous link text:



    See this post of mine on how to get posts pagination to work when using query_posts().

    Thread Starter gohst


    I decided to just can the whole thing with the Previous Posts> thing by deleting any reference to it in the code and I decided to hard code html links to the previous and next posts at the bottom of the posts themselves. Not exactly art, but it works.

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