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  • Plugin Author Lester Chan


    So the post count is meant to be 3802? Instead of 3&802? Are you using any translation plugin or something? Does it work when it is English?

    Thread Starter PASSION CARRE


    yes, i need 3802 or 3.802 … but i dont want 3&802

    i use google translator, but it’s disable by default.

    screenshoot :

    Thread Starter PASSION CARRE


    i have change all the number_format_i18n($post_views) by wp-postviews.php

    no problem anymore

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    But weird, number_format_i18n() should give you the thousand separator, in English it is “,”. I am not too sure what is it in French. But if it is not “&” that means the translation you have might be wrong.

    Thread Starter PASSION CARRE


    the translation of what ?
    i dont have translate this plugin …

    only the admin panel like this :

    Cette page a été vue <b>%VIEW_COUNT%</b> fois

    i cant change de thousand separator with this translation :/

    Thread Starter PASSION CARRE


    in french , we use the , or the . too

    not the &

    is a field for change that ??

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    The admin panel is correct. The plugin call number_format_i18n() which is a WordPress function that translate the count to your locale. In this case the thousand seperator is defined in your language file

    Hello !

    I have the same problem since the last update of wordpress ( & instead of . as thousand separator.).
    I use wordpress in french and no thousand separator was displayed before the & appeared .

    Can someone help ?

    Many thanks in advance

    Thread Starter PASSION CARRE


    i’m happy to read that ??

    it’s a bug, between wordpress/plugin, not a bad personal translation


    Tu peux appliquer la solution que j’ai mise en place, afin de corriger rapidement le bug avant une eventuelle mise à jour

    dans le repertoire du plugin, tu edites wp-postviews.php et tu remplaces tous les
    par des $post_views

    si c’est trop compliqué, et que tu me fais confiance , tu peux changer ce fichier pré-modifié et remplacer l’ancien

    du coup ton compteur aura plus de separateur de milliers, donc plus de &

    Good evening.

    Thank you for the quick response. I used the file you put on your link, and it works perfectly again. Thank you very much.

    Good evening!

    En Fran?ais…

    1000 mercis !!!!

    Thread Starter PASSION CARRE


    your welcome / de rien ??

    Merci @darkatis !

    @lester Chan: Can you fix the issue in the file “wp-postviews.php” in the next release of WP-PostViews ?

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    For now I will not fix it because it has nothing to do with the plugin.

    number_format_i18n() was used all along since the plugin was created. I think something in your translation is breaking it.

    I will just KIV for now to see if it affects all translation. For now, it seems to affect French only?

    Yes, with French translation.

    You’re right Lester Chan !
    While looking good on the web, I found that post that says the translation file “” contained some errors, one with numbers format for thousand separator.
    à propos de la traduction fran?aise de WordPress 3.9

    La traduction présentait des problèmes :

    • L’adresse du lien ? Remarque ? du menu WordPress (en haut à gauche de l’administration) renvoyait vers ? ? — oui, avec ? (en anglais) ? dans l’adresse !
    • Le mot ? PrestaShop ? apparaissait à la place de ? WordPress ? dans trois cha?nes de l’outil de personnalisation des thèmes ! Explication : PrestaShop est mon employeur, j’écris les documentations du logiciel, et je tape donc ce mot à longueur de journée. Je suppose que le soir venu, mes doigts ont glissé…
    • Et surtout, les grands chiffres (supérieurs à 999) sont affichés avec une esperluette (&) : 1&234, 357&156, etc.
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