• I’m wondering about the content text in the isotope article boxes. It’s visible in some cases – in other not. If I make the settings to page the output, most boxes non the first page show the excerpts, but as more as later the excerpts are missing. I’m searching for the reason to fix the problem. Help will be very welcome.

    I use wc-shortcode with WP 3.8.1 and Theme TwentyTwelve


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  • Plugin Author Chris Baldelomar


    I updated the libraries for the isotope/masonry layouts. Let me know if the newer version fixed your problem

    Thread Starter MiniC


    Thank you, Chris, it seems to work now!

    Another strange thing: All shortcodes works in category descriptions, too (with rich tag plugin), except the shortcode for columns. On frontend the uninterpreted shortcode is visible? The problem is the same with wordpress 3.8.2 and 3.9. Any idea to fix this?
    Very best from Germany!

    Thread Starter MiniC


    Maybe its no problem from your plugin, because the tags for tables don’t work in category descriptons, too. If someone have an idea to solve this, it will be very welcome!

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