Not member, redirect to home page ?
I’m trying to get my site to redirect non-members to the home page, when clicking on something in the menu or pasting an url in to the browser.
This is the top of my child theme index.php:
get_header(); ?> <?php get_template_part('page-parts/general-before-wrap');?> <?php if (pmpro_hasMembershipLevel() ) { ?>
And at the end i have bin trying different ways to redicrect, but it does not work, with wp_redirect i get header error:
<?php } else { ?> <?php wp_redirect(site_url('/home')); exit; ?> <?php } ?>
I tried include page too, but got error on missing file/page.
What am i missing here ?
All the best
I can redirect to at php with this:
<?php include(TEMPLATEPATH.'/page-parts/home-register-form.php') ;?>
But can’t get the page thing working.
Hey Carsten,
I just tried this with the same folder structure (mytheme/page-parts/general-before-wrap) and it worked perfectly. Could you make sure your files are named correctly? If you get the error again, you could paste it here so we have more information?
JessThanks for your reply messica ??
I just need to be sure that we are talking about the same thing here. I’m trying to make a redirect to a page created within WordPress, not a physical file.
Why i wanna do this is cause the membership plan settings on the pages does not apply, they have no affect at all, i believe it’s be course something regarding to the Sweet Date theme.
And a really really needed feature, to block the forums, bbPress/Buddypress.
All the best
CarstenYou can use any URLs you want with wp_redirect(). The
function just returns your site URL so you don’t have to use any absolute paths. IF the page you want to redirect to was creating in WordPress, just replace “home” in that code with the slug of the page you want to redirect to.Additionally, we do have addons for bbPress and BuddyPress integrations here.
It sounds like the issue could definitely be Sweet Date like you said. Have you tried switching to a default WordPress theme such as twenty fourteen and see if that fixes it? If so, maybe we can get a copy of Sweet Date to try to work out some of these incompatibilities.
Thanks for your reply messica ??
Yes, the two threads are not needed, it was be course it didn’t show up the first one i repostet, but suddenly they both where there.
But it should stay, and i’ll put the link here, cause the plugin links are in it:
Well, back to business ??
Sweet Date has some restriction settings under their special menu in the admin dashboard, they only redirect to Levels, your plugin doesn’t have any effect on those pages.
Turning them off and using the settings through the pages doesn’t have any effect either, when using Sweet Date theme.
Switching to 2014 theme does give another, but useless, result, it the redirects to – it adds home to it, it comes from the plugin in the other post, the double post, linked to at the top og this reply.
So there’s clearly a thing with the Sweet Date theme, and i think it’s regarding to their own restriction settings under their own menu. But why the plugin adds home to the end and not switching it out with members i a mystery to me.
Just to clarify, it works when changing the plugin to redirect to wp_redirect(home), it goes to the home page, but only for some of them ??
One thing none of this is working on, is the Blog, it is given a static page called Blog, i can only redirect it when altering the index.php, so neither settings nor plugin affects this.
I will gladly supply you with a copy of the Sweet Date theme, so we can get this to work in one way or the other ??
All the best
CarstenHello Carsten. We are entering some very specific integration details with PMPro and the Sweet Dash theme. For further assistance in debugging the issue, please consider becoming a member at for our member support forums.
In the members forum, we can perform much more detailed and targeted assistance. If needed, we can login to your site and find out specifically why there might be a conflict between the two.
To be clear here, the problem is not only with the Sweet Date theme, as written it does not work when the Blog is put on a separate page, when using the standard WordPress 2014 theme.
That is what i have testet, so i don’t know if this problem is the only one.
Forgive me for writing this, but i don’t think i’m the one that has to pay for this. This is your plugin and it’s Seventh Queen’s theme, there are some problems between these two, so if this is going to be fixed, then it will be something you sort out between the two of you.
I hope you understand what i’m saying here: Why should i pay for a solution for all the users on the planet, for your plugin and the Sweet Date theme ?
However, the problem with the 2014 theme i’m quite sure is on the end of your table ??
And then i would like to know where to change the page that the plugin is redirecting to, i would like to have it to redirect to another page than Levels ?
All the best
CarstenCarsten, what does your redirect code look like at the moment – is it still
<?php wp_redirect(site_url('/home')); exit; ?>
? That will add “/home” to your homepage URL which is why the “home” is being added, even while using the twentyfourteen theme.Regarding the comment about the static blog page, you can customize any template WordPress uses. Take a look at the WordPress hierarchy here: to see how WordPress chooses which files to use to display which content. However, again, this might be different with Sweet Date.
Thank you messica ??
So if i understand you correctly, the redirection to the Levels page is a Sweet Date thing ?
Where does the Paid Memberships Pro plugin redirect to when criteria is not met, and where can they be changed ?
I actually don’t know what’s better here.
Turning of the addition to the plugin for redirection, does give the members page, but no restriction at all even though that no one can access these without being a member, as per the settings.
Also, we got carried away from the problem regarding the redirection og the Blog page. The settings on the page doesn’t do anything, so i tried to redirect it from the index.php.
This code:
<?php wp_redirect(site_url('/home')); exit; ?>
…gives errors:
“Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/******/wp-content/themes/sweetdate/header.php:12) in /mounted-storage/******/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 896”Boblebad,
The warning you are getting happens when WP tries to use “headers” after they are already sent, e.g. if you do a wp_redirect() after the headers are already sent. So my guess is your redirect code is in the wrong place.
You should do this kind of thing in your theme’s functions.php or in a custom plugin, both of which run before WP sends headers. Headers are sent btw during the wp_head() call. Here is an example of code that does something similar to what you are trying to do:
//redirect to login or homepage if user is logged out or not a member function my_template_redirect() { global $current_user; $okay_pages = array(pmpro_getOption('billing_page_id'), pmpro_getOption('account_page_id'), pmpro_getOption('levels_page_id'), pmpro_getOption('checkout_page_id'), pmpro_getOption('confirmation_page_id')); //if the user doesn't have a membership, send them home if(!$current_user->ID && !is_front_page() && !is_page($okay_pages) && !strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "login")) { wp_redirect(home_url("wp-login.php?redirect_to=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); } elseif(is_page() && !is_front_page() && !is_page($okay_pages) && !$current_user->membership_level->ID) { //change this to wp_redirect(pmpro_url("levels")); to redirect to the levels page. wp_redirect(home_url()); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_template_redirect');
Pulled from:
RE you one question “Why should i pay for a solution for all the users on the planet, for your plugin and the Sweet Date theme?”:
We do try our best to get our plugin working with other plugins and themes, especially popular ones that promote Paid Memberships Pro. That said, we can’t get all possible configurations working, especially with PMPro built in a way that is meant to be customized. Rest assured, we spend a lot of our own time and money developing PMPro and have released ALL OF THE CODE for your use for free. So not speaking for Sweet Date here, but Paid Memberships Pro as an open source project lives on exactly the model where some people to pay for the development of solutions and we try to convince them to share those solutions with the rest of the world.
I hope you are able to get your customization working. If not, we are able to help you with your specific request on our member forum or if you’re lucky someone else will have the same problem and you can benefit from it or maybe you’ll find a similar solution in the code I posted above or somewhere else.
Boblebad – didt you solve it else I have the solution for the problem.
Hi @nudrica
Not in the way that i would have liked, i endeed up redirecting on two levels, and that’s actually not a solution i like, i would rather have a solution that redirected all from one place.
I had to move on with my project, so it ended on the need to update/change in near future list ??
Will your solution do it once and for all ?
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