Is it possible to have registered subscribers to receive notifications for all posts from all categories but public subscribers to not receive notification for specific categories? Can this be done in the settings? I tried but everyone was excluded from the specific categories. Thanks
This is possible to an extent.
Registered Subscribers have personal control over their subscriptions so they can choose to unsubscribe from certain categories at anytime by logging into the site but to start with the configuration described above do this:
1/ In Subscribe2->Settings under the Registered Users tab check all of the categories under the Excluded Categories heading.
2/ On the same page make sure to leave the “Allow registered users to subscribe to excluded categories?” option checked.
3/ In the Subscribe2->Subscribers page in the Registered Subscribers tab, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the Bulk Management section is subscribe all Registered Users to all categories.That should do it.
Thanks but what I want to do actually is to unsubscribe public subscribers from only one category and registered users to remain subscribed to all categories. Is that possible?
Just exclude that one category then. The rest if the description above still applies.
But I think this will exclude registered users, not public users from that one category. Is that the case?
I other words, I think although I may be wrong that you provide capability to unsubscribe register subscribers from a given category but public subscribers that are not registered always receive notifications for all categories. Is this true?
Except if under Settings/register users you actually mean public subscribers that are not registered users, or you mean all public and registered combined?
I sense there may be some confusion between public and registered users.
But I think this will exclude registered users, not public users from that one category. Is that the case?
No, it’s not the case.
For more detail on the different subscribe types have a look here:
https://subscribe2.wordpress.com/support/faqs/#16If you exclude a category it stops public subscribers getting the notification. Registered Subscribers still get the notification unless the “”Allow registered users to subscribe to excluded categories?” is unchecked, in which case the exclusion applies to all subscribers.
It does not behave as you said. When I followed your instruction and I excluded one category, all public subscribers received only notifications for that one excluded category and nothing from the others. I think you should test it yourself. I did exactly as you said above.
It is clear now to me that in Settings–> registered users, you are mixing up registered and public users. When I Exclude one category and I mark registered users to subscribe to excluded categories, it works for registered users but public users receive emails only for that excluded category and nothing from the others although they are checked. So I suspect a Boolean logic type of error there. Unless I missed something but I have tried everything. Either public and registered get all categories or when I exclude, public get only the excluded and registered get all ( as expected).
I’ve just tested it myself and it works as I’d expect.
I have 4 subscribers – 2 public (A and B) and 2 registered (C and D).
I have 2 categories (Uncategoried and Categorised).
I excluded Categorised in the Settings but left the “Allow registered users to subscribe to excluded categories?” box checked.I made a new post in the Categorised category and the email was sent only to C and D.
I then made a new post on the Uncategorised category and the email was sent to all subscribers (A, B, C and D).Then the Registered Users tab in settings should be renamed Public Users with the option to “Allow registered users to subscribe to excluded categories”.
Maybe this is what is confusing.
Hmm, I may need to make this a little clearer.
Subscribe2 creates “Public Subscribers”; these subscribers have supplied only their email address via the Subscribe2 form and have clicked the confirm link in the email.
WordPress creates “Users”; Subscribe2 calls these “Registered Users”. A Registered User may not be subscribed to emails if in their Subscribe2->Your Subscriptions page there are no categories checked. If one or more categories are checked then they are a “Registered Subscriber”. Subscribe2 links into and extends the existing WordPress code for such users.
So, Subscribe2 has Public Subscribers and Registered Subscribers. The current Subscribe2->Settings “Registered Users” tab contains sections for making categories compulsory for Registered Users/Subscribers and excluding categories for Public and perhaps Registered Subscribers. It also contains the auto-subscribe settings that are applied to newly registering users.
So, what title would describe that better? Should some of that move to another tab; exiting or a new one?
@mattyrob, I appreciate your quick replies and the effort you are putting in making a good plugin even better.
IMO, as I already suggested, if the tab Subscribe2->Settings “Registered Users” is changed to Subscribe2->Settings “Public Users” and leave the “Allow registered users to subscribe to excluded categories” then it will be much clearer to me. I do not know about others. This is because, normally, registered users receive notifications from all categories but public users are restricted from some.
Maybe there should be two tabs to handle public and registered separately with exclusions. This would be best and more clear.
I’m not sure that change would make it cleared because the Auto-Subscribe section only applies to Registered Users and the Compulsory Categories only apply to Registered Users.
I’ll have a think and see if I can come up with something better.
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