• Hi All,

    I’ve a question about the server load.. (it’s more a problem)

    When I’m logged out of WordPress, and I’m trying to stress the site.. everything works fin.. not a high server load at all.

    But, when I’m logged in on the wp-admin, the server gets a higher server load. when some other admins are logged in, the server load goes even to 100% of usage!

    I’m running a cache plugin (wp super cache) and thought this will fix the problem.

    Got a 4 core processor and 4gb RAM running CentOS

    Hope that someone can help to fix this problem

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  • Kindly check which process / script consuming highest load.

    use top command to trace the basic.

    Thread Starter LaurenceMeijer


    those command use a lot of CPU only when someone is logged in in the WP-ADMIN.. else the server load is low..

    /user/local/php5/bin/php-cgi /public_html/index.php

    /user/sbin/mysqld –basedir =/usr –datadir=/var/lib/mysql –plugin-dir/user/lib64/mysql/plgin –user=xxxx –log-error=/var/lib/mysql/xx.axc.nl.err –pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/xx.axc.nl.pid

    When someone will be logged in, the load will be a bit high.

    Thread Starter LaurenceMeijer


    it’s only when someone is logged in..

    When a guest is whatching to the site.. the load is almost zero.

    When a user or admin is logged in, the load is going to 70%.. that’s more than a bit higher i think… ??

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