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  • Not the dev, but I needed to remove the title as well.

    In Edit Plugin I just added a class to the end of the HTML that is outputted to generate the title:

    Simply changed “>’; to ” class=”yourcssclassname”>’;

    foreach ( $rss_items as $item ) :
                        $output .= '<li>';
                            $output .= '<a ' . $newWindowOutput . 'href="' . esc_url( $item->get_permalink() ) . '"
                                title="' . sprintf( __( 'Posted %s', 'wp-rss-retriever' ), $item->get_date('j F Y | g:i a') ) . '" class="yourcssclassname">';

    Then just add .yourcssclassname {display: none;} to your stylesheet.

    I’ve tried the above and it doesn’t seem to work – it gets overriden? Can anyone help please?

    Is the addition to the stylesheet working if you test it somewhere else on the page? CSS does all the work, the edit to the plugin output just adds a class to the title.

    What I needed to do was just change the colour of the bullet point link, so I added in the class and then on the custom style of the theme I added on the CSS. When I looked at the feed that I added into a post, the CSS formatting was being overriden by “element style”, but I could see in the inspector that it was there, but cross through.

    I think I have just worked it out by using the “!important” attribute on the CSS. Sorry and thanks for your help!

    Plugin Author Travis



    I apologize for the extreme delay.

    I have just released version 1.1.1 which gives you ability to remove the title all together. Simply use title=”false” within the shortcode attributes

    For example:
    [wp_rss_retriever url="" items="10" title="false"]

    Thank you for your feedback!
    – Travis

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