• Hi, my client tried to change the URL themselves and I’ve managed to get the site back but am getting this error:

    lessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /var/sites/e/ecoarbor.co.uk/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/theme43853/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.lesslessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /var/sites/e/ecoarbor.co.uk/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/theme43853/style.less
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/sites/e/ecoarbor.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/themes/CherryFramework/includes/less-compile.php:155) in /var/sites/e/ecoarbor.co.uk/public_html/wp-login.php on line 415
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/sites/e/ecoarbor.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/themes/CherryFramework/includes/less-compile.php:155) in /var/sites/e/ecoarbor.co.uk/public_html/wp-login.php on line 427

    can anyone help? you can see it here – https://ecoarbor.co.uk/wp-login.php


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  • Thread Starter iammarilynrose1


    FYI the site was moved from https://ecoarbor.co.uk/wordpress to https://ecoarbor.co.uk/

    Also … https://ecoarbor.co.uk/wp-admin/ doesnt work?

    Any ideas?


    This looks more like an issue with the LESS configuration than an actual WordPress problem.

    Is LESS set up/configured at all on the new server?

    Thread Starter iammarilynrose1


    Hey, thanks for the reply. I’m honestly not sure what less is? It’s something they set up without me. Is it something I need to change the URL in?

    Thanks in advance

    It’s a preprocessor — basically a bit of software that compiles your .LESS files into proper CSS. The original developer of the site probably set it up to work like that?

    Thread Starter iammarilynrose1


    No I’m just helping them fix it up now. Any idea how to sort this less thing out?!

    I’m not very experienced with LESS. Maybe it’s very simple to set it up/configure.

    But fact remains that the site requires LESS to be set up. So you’ll either have to get LESS running on the new server, or you’ll need to remove it from the configuration of the site.

    Perhaps try to get in touch with the original developer, he/she should be able to help you with setting it back up on the new server or tell you how to remove it from the site.

    Hi Marilyn,
    Dunno if you solved your issue but … Did you ?
    I got the same problem today after i tried to create a child them for CherryFramework default (free) theme. I’ve spend all my friday trying to find a fix … nothing.
    Same error message on this site here :
    I’ve read in a post that after a site migration, some less.cache files should be deleted in the theme folder .
    It didn’t work for me. Anyway, i work on a fresh installed site (no migration).
    I keep on searching …

    Delete these files from ftp:

    Cherry theme main folder:

    Child theme folder:

    THANKS! Worked! Only slight difference:

    Child theme folder:


    perhaps due to updated plugin since this post?

    Thanks anyway! All is not lost ??

    Thank you for this solution! Had the same issue and got it solved, thanks for the tip, jmikewp



    Thank you jmikewp

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