• Hi
    I am pretty new on wordpress, trying to built a woocommerce website for my business.I downloaded customizer theme from here one i thought suitable for my site now since i am new i am facing some issues regarding slider.i want to change the default slider to revolution slider and put it only on the front page.I tried every possible way i could understand but failed to
    install it can anybody help me resolving this issue?

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  • How does this plug-in work? Do you have to use a shortcode?
    One way to do that:

    Look here, you can simply add a new widget area after the header and put your shortcode there.

    I, too, really like the Customizr theme, but the Revolution Slider plugin (premium plugin, $19) allows me to add animation to each slide. I cannot get them to talk to each other.

    A graphic in my media library will have “Revolution Slider Options”, and the dropdown lists my Revolution Slider templates, but when I change the dropdown to a template and save the document the dropdown reverts back to default, and my Revolution Slider does not appear.

    I would prefer not to, but I could turn off the slider options, hack the code in a child theme and add the Revolution Slider into the right php file, wherever I can find it, maybe parts/class-content-slider.php. This is messy.

    I can get the Revolution Slider to work very well in a post using a shortcode, but not to replace the default front page slider.

    Has anyone else replaced the front page slider with the Revolution Slider?


    Can I know how you use this Revolution Slider? Can you use shortcodes?

    The Revolution Slider plugin allows you to set up a slide show or a template. When you create a slide show you also create a shortcode. For each slide show you add images and for each image you add layers, It is in the layers where you have text/images move around and animate.

    Once you save your slide show you create a post, post in your shortcode, and save. View the post and your animation comes alive.

    For example I named my slide show “slider1”. The short code was [rev_slider slider1] so I paste this shortcode into a post and it appears. You can also add the slider using php or html, but I have not done this so far.

    I still do not know how to add the Revolution slider to the front page slider of Customizr.

    So, if you follow the above link ( https://www.themesandco.com/snippet/add-widget-area-header/ ) to create a widget area after the header, and then paste the revolution slider shortcode in a text widget and you put this widget in the new area, you will have the slider you want.

    d4z_c0nf, thank you very much for the tip. I created a widget area under the banner, inserted my revolution slider into it, and turned off the default slider. The Revolution slider works very well.

    I really like this theme.

    Yeah, you can do that in different ways, this is just one more flexible, one day you could want to not use a slider but something else, or.. now you can add other widgets there.. and so on.
    You’re welcome!
    Hopefully also mohammed islam could solve..

    I am using Theme Horse Pro for my WP site and have set up a number of sliders using the revolution slider. I want to edit slides to put a layer with text on top of a photo. I can use the simple button function but don’t like the look of the limited selection. I tried to edit the style which supposedly gives a wide range of options of color, fonts , size etc. But I always end up with a simple black text that is very small, almost too small to read. A friend who knows a bit more about WP than me is using the same Theme and revolution slider and it works for him! We even copied the settings for the style he customized and put it into my revolution slider and it still doesn’t work. A small window states that there is an “ajax error” and a “parser error”. Towards the top pf the page I see the following message: Warning: file_get_contents(/homepages/14/d26455562/htdocs/app534228519/wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/css/dynamic-captions.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/14/d26455562/htdocs/app534228519/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/revslider_operations.class.php on line 694

    I am using Theme Horse Pro

    So why are you posting this in Customizr Forum?

    Sorry, I am absolute new tt WP and to using such a forum and didnt notice it was orgnaized by thme. I have reposted under keywords Theme Horse Interface Pro and revolution slider.

    i used theme limitless in my site but not showing revolution slider when i tried to add slides it give ajax error or parse error on to warning is coming like this

    Warning: mysql_insert_id(): Access denied for user ‘dreamsinfosoft’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) in /home/dreamsinfosoft/public_html/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/framework/db.class.php on line 50

    Warning: mysql_insert_id(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/dreamsinfosoft/public_html/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/framework/db.class.php on line 50
    {“success”:true,”message”:”Slide Created”,”is_redirect”:true,”redirect_url”:”http:\/\/www.dreamsinfosoft.in\/wp-admin\/admin.php?page=revslider&view=slides&id=1″}

    please help me how to resolve this

    i have a metronics theme purchased, now i have to converted it into wordpress, i have done this , but when me converted it the revolution slider and bxslider didn’t work , didn’t show the slider in home page and the bxslider didn’t show, contents are scatered on page.. plz someone help me. how can i resolve it?
    i was check all the paths, and the java script of bxslider and revolution slider didin’t pick .. but in templatee page all coding iss present but in localhost when me going to see the source page code then there is missingg the link of js…

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