Sorry I am completely new with everything, bare with me.
Don’t worry, we all started a newbie at some stage… ??
== == == Childtheme
You don’t have a childtheme yet?
- dashboard > plugins > add new
- search: ‘one click child theme’
== == ==
- First Install and then activate ‘one click childtheme plugin
== == ==
- dashboard > appearance > childtheme
- create the childtheme[follwow the instructions on the screen]
== == == activate the newly created childtheme
- dashboard > appearance > themes
- check if the childtheme you just made is active [activate if need be]
== == ==
- Make the changes in the CHILDtheme!
– copy php files / css-file(s) of the original theme [as required] to the childtheme directory and edit them as required.
>> >> >>
CHANGING FONTS [and other changes… safely]
I am trying to change my entire website font to “Trump Gothic East”. I am using the responsive theme
*, #content, p, body{
FONT-FAMILY:, "Trump Gothic East", gothic, serif;
- Add the code above to ‘styles.css’of your childtheme
- save the changes and re-upload ‘styles.css’
- browser: Press <CTRL-F5> to refresh…
What you should know about fonts…
As a rule of thumb: Fonts are loaded and displayed by the individual visitor of your site. The visitor’s browser will try to find the font requested on the visitor’s PC. Should the font not be available, another font is chosen to display the site.
Using ‘font-family’ will allow you to specify various font-options, which are searched for in order [the last one the most generic].
This will allow you some control over how your site is displayed, even if your favourite font is not available on the visitor’s PC.