Update… Sent in a flurry of tickets to our host. They waved their magic wand… Some things changed visually so I know they were doing whatever it is they do in the background. We did note we are both [Marifried & I] tagged as “Super Admins” in the Network Admins user list. Not sure if that was the case prior or not but in either event we are now.
Long n short…. Same error message, so maybe you should check to see if perhaps WP has thrown you a curve ball with the new versions or something.
By the way, we are using the Ridizain theme and WP version 3.8.1
Maybe its something with Ridizain?
Our hosts final comment “Perhaps you should check with your programmer, since we have no idea how it was set up.”
And yes I smacked her for being rude… Following that comment, they went over the account, but still to no avail but that doesn’t excuse being rude. Anyway there you have it. If there is anyway we can help you look into this, we would be glad to assist for the good of all man kind… or at least for anyone trying to use your Plugins. ??