• styledocu


    My site’s loading time is unreasonably slow,
    it used to load normally before and while i didn’t change anything it started loading really slow.
    my site address – https://styledocu.com
    I’m hosting it on Godaddy, and have almost zero content on the site right now which makes it even more weird.
    I tried deactivating all plug-ins, tried changing themes, but it didn’t help at all.
    Other sites load perfectly fine so I know the problem is not with my connection. Plus, other people complain about the site’s loading time.
    Anyone has a suggestion ?

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  • forestborj


    Generally to improve the loading and the speed of a website , we use a cache plugin ( w3 total cache), we use too ” wp Smush it” to improve the sige of images, we use wp dbmanager to manage the request to data base, and also we use webmaster tools to correct all the errors, we set the permalink correctly, so wwe give interest to think to the structer of our permalinks , and we adjust the plugins by using P3 ( plugin performance profiles) to see which of the plugins ask a lot the datbase, and which the best plugins combination to give you best sped , and at the end check on gtmetrix.com


    Thread Starter styledocu


    Thanks for the reply forestborj,
    Before this slow down happened I had none of these plug-ins installed and the site loaded just fine (while i haven’t made any changes to the site), so I’m trying to solve what is causing the slow down without using plugins which might just mask a real problem with the site.
    I just checked my site on gtmetrix.com and it got a 92% on Page Speed, and 78% on YSlow.

    appreciate your help..



    Excellent, already such result as 92 % for google speed and 78 % for yahoo , are okk , me i have 97 % FOR GOOGLE SPEED AND 87 % for yahoo !

    you may notice on the parameters on GTMETRIX that they check too the compatibility or the optimization from the side of the code, java script and css , so those codes are related to your theme !!!

    so now if you have made any update for wordpress or for your theme that can be the reason to slow your website , so you have to check with the default theme of wordpress.

    i hope that can help you


    Thread Starter styledocu


    Thanks forestborj, It seems my site’s loading time changes constantly.
    I don’t know if this is the reason I got relatively good results on GTMETRIX, but there are times where it takes me about 10 seconds to get a response from the site.
    I would try to implement the optimizing suggestions GTMETRIX gave me but I know the site used to work, as it is, just fine. this is what i’m try to figure out..
    Is there a possibility Godaddy has to reset something from their part in order to resolve this?
    Anyways, thank you for your help.

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