• Resolved silvaco


    First of all, thanks a lot for providing such an excellent plugin for quizzes!
    I would like to request you to add a timer feature to the quizzes, in any one or both of the following ways:
    1) User gets a countdown ticking and cannot submit if the quiz times out.
    2) There is an added field sent to the admin in the test results which records the total time spent on the quiz.
    I would be highly obliged if you could implement any of these ideas for tracking the time.
    Thanks once again!


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  • Greetings Silvaco:

    Thank you for choosing to use this plugin!

    I am actually already working on a timer mechanism as several other users have asked for it. The first stage will be similar to your second option; however, I also plan on adding your first request shortly after as well.

    Best Regards




    Hello Author,
    This plugin seems really awesome, the only feature I am waiting for is timer. Can you please do it ASAP. Also, please mention the approximate time period so that I can stop searching for other plugins.
    Looking forward for your quick response!
    Thanks in advance!

    Greetings Gaurav.tanejaa:

    Usually, I do not add features in ASAP; however, I have already begun working on this feature. The first stage was introduced in the last update(1.7.1). The time the user takes on the quiz can be seen in the Quiz Results page. Also, it can be added to the Message After, and in emails by using the variable %TIMER%. Is this the functionality that you need or do you need to be able to add time limits on the quizzes as well?

    Best Regards




    Hi Author,
    Thanks for your quick response!
    I need the functionality to be able to add time limits on the quizzes and I am feeling great to hear from you that you are working on the same. I would love to hear about this update soon.
    I liked this plugin amongst all other plugins which provide such functionality and I really appreciate your efforts in making such a wonderful and user friendly plugin. I would love to rate your plugin as a 5 star if I get the above mentioned feature at the earliest.
    Thanks in advance!
    Best Regards,
    Gaurav Taneja.

    In the newest update (1.9.1), I have added the ability to have time limits on each quiz. Change this setting by going to the Quiz Options tab.




    Hi Author,
    Great to see the update. Just want to know 2-3 changes more:
    1) Can we get an option to review this question later i.e. mark this question for review.
    2) If I use an option to display one question per page- there is no option for the user to get back to previous question or skip that question, is this option possible in One Question per page option.
    3) This is a very basic change I need- When a user is giving the test, at the end it shows Submit Quiz, I just want to change the text to Submit Test, can you please help me out with your coding part so that I can do it myself.
    4) Can the countdown timer be placed in the title bar ? So that user is aware of how much time is remaining, if possible tell me how to do this.

    I would really appreciate if you can help me out with the above mentioned options.

    Thanks in advance,
    Best regards,
    Gaurav Taneja.

    Greetings again Gaurav:

    1) Do you mean to mark this question for review to grade it later on?
    2) I will get the ability to go back to previous questions in the next update.
    3) If you go to the Quiz Text tab on the Quiz Options page, there is a section called Other Templates. Inside is where you can edit the text to all the buttons, contact fields, and various other texts.
    4) There should get a countdown on the screen. A small black timer with blue numbers. Does that appear for you on your quiz? Did you want the title bar timer in addition to that?




    Hi Frank,
    Thanks a lot!
    Thanks once again for a wonderful plugin. ??
    1) Yes, I want the user to give an option to review a question at last. Means there should be a tab at top of the test which can show the user which question has he/she answered, which is still unanswered, etc.
    2) Thanks, will be waiting for that. ??
    3) I got this option, thank you so much.
    4) It’s not a compulsion but I think this would look a little better if the countdown timer runs on the title bar also. Hope that’s a great and unique idea. ??

    Few more issues I faced which I want to discuss with you:
    5) I have marked the “name” and “email” field as required, means a user can’t submit the test unless he/she enters these 2 details. But if the time expires and the user has not filled the details, it redirects to the result page, I think at that time it should stop the test and ask the user to fill the details and submit test. Don’t know if this is possible or not, but please have a check on this.
    6) While I was going through the test, I noticed that the questions were coming on the same page without indicating the question number, I think user must be able to see which question number is he/she answering to. This gives a better idea on how many questions are answered and how many are still remaining.

    Please check with the above issues, infact these were few suggestions from my end. This plugin is itself much-much easier and effective without even these small changes, but these small changes can give this plugin a good rating from other’s as well.

    Good luck Frank and all the best for your plugin!

    Best regards,
    Gaurav Taneja.



    Hi Frank,
    Hope you are doing good!
    I just need your help for 4 more things:
    1) Whether I use all questions on one page or 1 question per page option, user doesn’t get the question number, I think user must see the Question number before the question starts in this format- “Question x of y” where x is the question number user is answering to and y is the total number of questions.
    2) We need to edit the Quiz Text option for every Quiz we add, can we get an option to keep the same format for all the quizzes, because we have the option to show Quiz_Name option where we can tell user about the quiz in the result and other pages.
    3) Can a user get the option to “review this question later” and a quick summary before submitting the test indicating- how many questions answered, how many questions are for review, etc.
    4) Suppose a situation where a new user comes without login and starts the test directly without filling the required fields- Name,Email,Phone,Business, etc. and the time expires and these fields are still empty, user gets the result. Can we get an option where user is forced to fill these details before getting the results. When time expires- it should ask the user to fill the details and submit test.

    Thanks in advance!
    Looking forward for your quick response!
    Best regards,

    Greetings Again Gaurav:

    1) I am hoping to have a numbering system in place in the next update for you!

    2) I am not quite sure I follow you on this. Does the Duplicate button on the Quizzes page, which allows you to create a new quiz with the same settings, not work in the way that you need?

    3) I have added this to my list of planned features the last time you had asked for this. It should be in an update soon.

    4) This is a known bug; I will have a fix for this in the next update.

    Feel free to keep the suggestions and feedback coming.


    For priority feature requests and support, please consider our Premium Support which includes priority same-day answers to support questions and your requested features are usually in the next update!



    Thanks for your quick response Frank!
    Thanks for considering my points.
    1) Will be waiting for the update ASAP.
    2) I haven’t tried the duplicate option yet, I will surely have a try on this.
    3&4) Sure, I will be looking for these options in the update ASAP.
    Will surely give you suggestions and feedback as soon as I feel something for it.
    Thanks again.
    Best regards,

    Hi Author,
    Hope you are doing good!
    I would like to bring your attention on 2 more points which I noticed today as a user:
    1) Can a user get an option to submit the test/quiz in between the questions. Means if a user is not interested to answer more questions and want to check his/her result. There must be an option to end test/quiz.
    2) Can you user skip the question ? I was giving the test which I created but when I clicked on submit test button it shows the error where I didn’t marked any answer, I mean the questions should not be compulsary for the user to answer it. He/She can skip the question if he/she wants.
    Gaurav Taneja.

    Hi Author,
    I think something changed in the previous update and I think it’s a big issue, can you please check it and revert back ASAP.
    The timer function is not working now. ??
    When the user is giving the test and time expires, nothing happens. The clock simply stops at 00:00.
    What happened suddenly. ??
    Please check and revert back.
    Looking forward for your quick response and help from your end.

    Greetings Gaurav:

    In the current version (2.2.2), when the timer stops, the questions and comments become disabled to prevent users from answering questions but doesn’t submit to allow them to enter in the contact information. If your quiz is not behaving as I described, please let me know.


    Please consider our Premium Support which includes priority same-day answers to support questions and priority feature requests! We will also work with you to build your requested features exactly as you need them!

    Hi Author,
    Thanks for your response!
    Apologies for the previous comment, I didn’t checked it and I thought the test still remains active after the time expires. But still, I think there should be a pop-up for the user saying- “Time Expires. Please click on submit button to check your results.”
    Because without this user get’s confused what to do next.
    Looking forward for your response ASAP!
    Best regards,

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