• Resolved retronerd


    Hi, I used the following code to add achievement images into the loop PHP

    			<th id="dpa-archive-achievements-image" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Bild', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>
                <th id="dpa-archive-achievements-name" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Achievement Name', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>
    			<th id="dpa-archive-achievements-karma" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Karma', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>
    			<th id="dpa-archive-achievements-excerpt" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Description', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>

    However, the image is showing up huge in the box, whereas the actual image for the achievement is only a very small 32×32 px.

    How can I stop it from auto scaling the image up?



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  • Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs



    Do you happen to be this person who tweeted at me, or just coincidence? ??

    Thread Starter retronerd


    Nope, wasnt me!

    Please can you explain what you mean here? I still have no idea what to do to fix this… could you give me code example?

    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter retronerd


    Please can someone give me the code that I need to enter to stop the images from auto sizing? I cant figure this out at all from the code in the twitter link, where am I supposed to put that based on the code I have used here:

    This is my loop-achievements.php

    			<th id="dpa-archive-achievements-image" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Bild', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>
                <th id="dpa-archive-achievements-name" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Achievement Name', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>
    			<th id="dpa-archive-achievements-karma" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Karma', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>
    			<th id="dpa-archive-achievements-excerpt" scope="col"><?php _ex( 'Description', 'column header for list of achievements', 'dpa' ); ?></th>

    And this is my loop-single-achievement.php

    <td headers="dpa-archive-achievements-image">
    		<?php do_action( 'dpa_template_before_achievement_image' ); ?>
    		<?php dpa_achievement_image();?>
    		<?php do_action( 'dpa_template_after_achievement_image' ); ?>

    is this the same as wpachievements on codecanyon?

    If the uploaded image is actually 32px x 32px – you should be able to target the image via css to force the size. Something like (assuming the table is classed the same) maybe;

    .dpa-archive-achievements img {

    Plugin Author Paul Wong-Gibbs


    If you can drop a link to your website with the problem on, I can take a look and give you some CSS to sort the image sizing out. @jonioscm’s CSS might well do the job just fine, too.

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