• kristylsim


    Hi – I’m having trouble adding an image into the circle. Is there a short code way to do this?

    I was told to do the following but dont’ know css at all and am nervous I will mess up my whole site. Please help!

    For the code I would need for the gravitar – do I enter that in under editor? There are three avatar sections and I don’t know which one to edit.

    .site-intro .avatar {
    width: 128px;
    height: auto;

    .site-intro .avatar {
    margin: 0 auto;

    .site-intro .avatar:hover {
    position: relative;

    Is this what I change it to?

    .site-intro .avatar {
    background:url(“URL GOES HERE”)
    width: 128px;
    height: auto;

    Also – do I make the image round or does it automatically just stay that way?

    FYI – The child theme is WAAAY over my head. I get the concept, but need someone to sit down and explain that kind of stuff to me. :/

    many many thanks https://www.kristysimchick.com

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  • Wolfs bRain


    Hi again Kristy!!

    The image will become a circle itself. If you are afraid of messing up the code you can always comment out the old code while you are playing with it by putting this /**/ around the code like this.


    This way you would be hardpressed to do any permanent damage. If you are still nervous you could copy all of the text in the file and save it in a local notepad file, so if you mess it up you can just copy the code that worked back.

    I’d offer to change it for you, but I don’t think I have any credibility in your eyes to prove I wouldn’t do something bad haha.

    Wolfs bRain


    .site-intro .avatar {
        background: url("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Osteospermum_Flower_Power_Spider_Purple_2134px.jpg") repeat scroll center center / cover rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

    Here is a link to the image so you can see its not round and it also doesn’t matter what size it is. And heres a link to a print screen of your site with the css I put in. Ask me more questions. I am full of answers!! Also…I accidentally replied to your other post just now so you should still reply here. ??

    – Wolfy and Brain (─??─)

    Thread Starter kristylsim


    OK – I got my picture in yay! but the circle became left aligned when I did. How can I change back to center?

    This is the code I have

    .site-title a {
    text-decoration: none;
    .site-intro .avatar {background:url(“https://www.kristysimchick.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/gravatar.jpg”)
    margin: 0 auto;
    -webkit-transition: all ease 0.4s;
    -moz-transition: all ease 0.4s;
    -o-transition: all ease 0.4s;
    transition: all ease 0.4s;

    Wolfs bRain


    Hmm I try taking off the margin 0.

    Wolfs bRain


    Also it seems like you put the margin styling in wrong. You didnt put a selector infront of it or the first bracket. I don’t know if that was just a copy paste error.

    Wolfs bRain


    If its still being funky after taking off the margin, this will work.

    .site-intro .avatar{

    This will make sure the image is centered.

    Thread Starter kristylsim


    Thank you so so much for all of your help! I triple checked everything and didn’t touch the margin styling.

    This is now it is entered in now and it’s still to the left. :/ Is there something I’m missing? I don’t know what a selector is.

    .site-title a {
    text-decoration: none;
    .site-intro .avatar {background:url(“https://www.kristysimchick.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/gravatar.jpg”)

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