Right now, myCRED only shows the users rank for yourself and admins. You can always add the users rank yourself via your themes functions.php file.
First visit the myCRED > Settings page and under “Ranks” select “Do not show” for Ranks in BuddyPress.
Then add the following piece of code to your themes functions.php file:
add_action( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'mycred_insert_rank_in_profile_header' );
function mycred_insert_rank_in_profile_header() {
// Leave now if myCRED is not enabled to prevent the site drom crashing
if ( ! function_exists( 'mycred_exclude_user' ) ) return;
// Get the displayed users ID
$user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
// Make sure this user is not excluded from using myCRED
if ( mycred_exclude_user( $user_id ) ) return;
// Get the rank name
$rank_name = mycred_get_users_rank( $user_id );
// Optionally also get the rank logo
$rank_logo = mycred_get_rank_logo( $rank_name );
// Finally show it all
echo '<div id="mycred-my-rank">Rank: ' . $rank_name . ' ' . $rank_logo . '</div>';
In the above example I am showing both the rank name and the rank logo. You can find more information about these functions in the myCRED Codex.