• Resolved brpubs


    Hi —

    The search function in my MLA page isn’t working. For instance, I’ve got one photo with the title/name “anderson” and which also includes that name in the alt tag. Whether I search on “anderson” with “or” and all fields checked, or search only in the title field, nothing is found. The standard media library search does locate the image — but since I now use MLA more, I’d like to be able to search there.

    Is this an issue just with my installation or a bug in one of the recent upgrades? I’m pretty sure it had worked in the past.



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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your question. I just ran a quick test on my system and the search function is working for me.

    The “And/Or” radio buttons do not affect a single word search. They control whether a multi-word search must match all of the words (And) or just one or more of the words (Or).

    When you enter your search, do you see ‘search results for “anderson”‘ at the top of the page? Does the “anderson” value remain in the Search text box?

    Have you tried other searches? Is anything working?

    There is a debug feature built in to the Search function that would help me determine what’s going on. If you add “>|<” to the beginning of your search value, e.g., “>|<anderson” MLA will display three “Warning:” messages at the top of the screen that contain the search details. If you can post that information to this topic I can be more helpful. (You can add “<|>” to the search value to write the information to the error log, if that’s more useful).

    Any further information you can give me would be helpful. Thanks for your understanding and patience.

    Thread Starter brpubs


    Hi. Thanks for such a quick reply.

    I do see ‘search results for “anderson”‘ at the top of the page, and “anderson” remains in the Search field. No searches appear to be working for me in MLA, though all the searches I’ve tried in MLA do work in Media Library, and other search functions on the site are working normally.

    Warning messages:

    Warning: _execute_list_table_query $wp_filter = "array ( 'posts_search' => array ( 10 => array ( 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_search_filter' => array ( 'function' => 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_search_filter', 'accepted_args' => 2, ), ), ), 'posts_join' => array ( 10 => array ( 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_join_filter' => array ( 'function' => 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_join_filter', 'accepted_args' => 1, ), ), ), 'posts_where' => array ( 10 => array ( 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_where_filter' => array ( 'function' => 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_where_filter', 'accepted_args' => 1, ), ), ), 'posts_orderby' => array ( 10 => array ( 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_orderby_filter' => array ( 'function' => 'MLAData::mla_query_posts_orderby_filter', 'accepted_args' => 1, ), ), ), )". in /home/ansirh/www/www/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 1597
    Warning: mla_query_posts_search_filter not numeric, = "array ( 's' => 'anderson', 'search_clause' => ' AND (((wordpress_posts.post_content LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (wordpress_posts.post_title LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (wordpress_posts.post_excerpt LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (wordpress_mla_alt_text_view.meta_value LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (wordpress_posts.post_name LIKE \'%anderson%\'))) ', 'search_string' => ' AND (((wordpress_posts.post_title LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (wordpress_posts.post_content LIKE \'%anderson%\'))) ', )". in /home/ansirh/www/www/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 1753
    Warning: _execute_list_table_query WP_Query = "array ( 'request' => array ( 'm' => 0, 'orderby' => 'title_name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 's' => 'anderson', 'offset' => 0, 'posts_per_page' => 10, ), 'query_parameters' => array ( 'use_postmeta_view' => true, 'orderby' => 'title_name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'detached' => false, 'debug' => 'console', 's' => 'anderson', 'mla_search_connector' => 'AND', 'mla_search_fields' => array ( 0 => 'title', 1 => 'name', 2 => 'alt-text', 3 => 'excerpt', 4 => 'content', ), 'sentence' => false, 'exact' => false, 'postmeta_key' => '_wp_attachment_image_alt', ), 'SQL_request' => 'SELECT * FROM wordpress_posts WHERE 1=2', 'post_count' => 0, 'found_posts' => 0, )". in /home/ansirh/www/www/wp-content/plugins/media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-data.php on line 1611

    I can’t think of any other relevant information to give you, but let me know if you can. I’m a bit mystified by that sql request in the last warning message. Is there something I could have missed in the settings? I think I probably just accepted the default…

    Thanks again —

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your update with the additional details and the debug output.

    As you suspected, the SQL statement isn’t at all correct. On my system, the SQL statement looks like:

    'SQL_request' => 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  mladev_posts.ID FROM mladev_posts  LEFT JOIN mladev_mla_alt_text_view ON (mladev_posts.ID = mladev_mla_alt_text_view.post_id) WHERE 1=1  AND (((mladev_posts.post_content LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (mladev_posts.post_title LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (mladev_posts.post_excerpt LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (mladev_mla_alt_text_view.meta_value LIKE \'%anderson%\') OR (mladev_posts.post_name LIKE \'%anderson%\')))  AND mladev_posts.post_type = \'attachment\' AND (mladev_posts.post_status = \'inherit\')  ORDER BY mladev_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10',

    It looks like WordPress is rejecting the SQL clauses that MLA is adding to the request for some reason. I will have to investigate further.

    One possible problem is the search on ALT Text; this required MLA to install a database view, join it to the posts table, etc. Have you tried unchecking the “ALT Text” box or all the boxes except “Title” and doing a search for something you know is present in the Title field?

    Another possible problem is interference with some other plugin on your site, although that’s less likely. What other plugins are you using on your site?

    I may have to send you a test copy of the MLA plugin with more debugging logic. Do I have your current e-mail address from the earlier support topic (Bad Parent / Orphan possibly wrong, April 2013)?

    Thread Starter brpubs


    Yes, I did try searching on “anderson” with only the title field checked. No results.

    I do have a number of plug-ins active besides MLA: .php on PAGES; Admin Menu Editor; Advanced Custom Fields; AG Custom Admin; ARYO Activity Log; Auto two-column; BackWPup; Breadcrumb NavXT, Broken Link Checker, CMS Tree Page View, Collapse-pro-magic; Custom Flexslider; Custom Menu Shortcode; Dashboard Site Notes; Debug This (also have BlackBox there but not activated, if that’s helpful for debugging); Enhanced Text Widget; jQuery Smooth Scroll; Just Variables for WordPress; Kint Debugger; Lightbox Plus ColorBox; Page-list; Page Menu Navigation; Relevanssi; Remove Image Links; Revision Control; Search & Replace; Simple Staff List; Ultimate TinyMCE; Wordfence Security; WordPress Importer; WordPress SEO, WP-UserOnline; and WP Google Fonts. Have you encountered issues with any of those?

    And yes, you’ve still got the current email.

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your update with the additional test results and the plugin list. I started working down the list, installing and activating each plugin and trying a simple MLA search. I got as far as “Relevanssi – A Better Search, v3.2 by Mikko Saari” and hit pay dirt.

    If you activate Relevanssi and check the “Use search for admin:” option, the MLA search fails with the bad ‘SELECT * FROM mlatest_posts WHERE 1=2’ query.

    It makes sense; MLA and Relevanssi are both intercepting the WordPress search filters and trying to return a better result. I am afraid you will have to choose between using Relevanssi and the MLA search for now. I will look into whether I can disable Relenanssi on a search-by-search basis when using MLA, and I will post an update here if I make any progress.

    Thread Starter brpubs


    Turned off the “Use search for admin” and all is well. Thanks!!!

    If you find a way to disable it on a search-by-search basis, that would be great — but of the two, I think the MLA search is more useful in the admin interface than the Relevanssi one (for my purposes, anyway). Relevanssi, however, is great for the user interface.

    Thanks again. The plug-in and your support of it are a huge help.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I am happy to report that the “Relevanssi – A Better Search, v3.2+ by Mikko Saari” plugin includes a filter to disable itself on a search-by-search basis. I have implemented this filter and verified that it avoids the interference with the Media/Assistant submenu search box.

    This update will be in the next MLA update, and I will mark this topic resolved when I release the update. Thanks again for helping me find and fix this conflict.

    Thread Starter brpubs


    Great news! Thanks again —

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have released version 1.80, which should resolve the issue of search conflicts with Relevanssi.

    I am marking this issue resolved, but please let me know if you are still having this problem with the new version. Thank you for your patience.

    Thread Starter brpubs


    Yep. I just re-enabled admin search in Relevanssi and the MLA search still works correctly. Thanks so much for letting me know — and for the work!

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