• Using the HTML editor, this is the code I am wrapping with no success:

    					<img class="alignleft  wp-image-729 modalidade-curso-icon" alt="curso presencial" src="https://www.attivoinvestimentos.com.br/wp-content/uploads/presencial.png" width="58" height="58" />
    					<a href="#proximos-cursos" class="woo-sc-button  green"><span class="woo-">Escolha sua turma</span></a>
    					<p>Presencial em Porto Alegre</p>


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  • rmose


    I have a similar problem with an apparent interaction between the Raw Html, WordPress Access Control and My Content Management plugins. I would like text to show for non-members but without the autoparagraphs. Separately, I want to display a list of links to FAQs. This is what the content looks like.

    [nonmember][raw]This is a test.[/raw][/nonmember]
    [my_content type=’mcm_faq’ display=’list’ taxonomy=’mcm_category_faq’ term=’cat3′]

    That produces the dreaded “!RAWBLOCK0!”, followed by the list of links. The error disappears after removing any pair of tags, but of course, it is the additive effect I need. It’s strange.



    Doesn’t work for me. It returns “!RAWBLOCK0!” on the page. As this support topic is still open since some months I guess it’s not planned to be solved!?!

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  • The topic ‘HTML code wrapped in [raw][/raw] shows only as "!RAWBLOCK0!"’ is closed to new replies.