• Resolved Gunu


    After upgradint to 5.2.12 I no longer have access to the website…

    Warning: fopen(/home/xxxxxx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa.init.en.js) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/xxxxxx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa-non-admin.php on line 451

    Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xxxxxx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa-non-admin.php on line 453

    Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/xxxxxx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa-non-admin.php on line 455

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxxxx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa-non-admin.php:451) in /home/xxxxxx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public_html/xxxxx/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 896

    any idea?


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  • I get exactly the same warnings after upgrading to 5.2.12

    The photo-albums themselves seem to work ok.
    deactivating the wppa plugin makes the site work ok, except the photos



    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    The server must have write access to the wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/ directory to write the dynamic js file
    CHMOD 755 will do

    Thread Starter Gunu


    The directory had CHMOD 755 and was not working (get the errors)

    CHMOD 776 and the plugin had disappeared from the plugin list

    CHMOD 777 works…..

    Is this not to “open”?

    exactly the same here. it was 755 (always was). changed to 777, not it works

    now i changed back to 755 and it is stil working

    Thanks for the help, for me it is solved!

    Thread Starter Gunu


    Here to…… changed it back to 755 and now continue working…. strange

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Is this not to “open”?

    As long as you give no ftp rights, also not as a guest, it will do no harm.

    thank you Jaap

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Note: The file wppa.init.[language].js will be removed when you change a setting, and it will automaticly be re-created at the first front-end visit.
    Also the version number will be bumped so the visitor will also load the new version and not use his browser cache.
    It is over 6 kb less load, not much, but people asked me for this, so… For every language in a multi language site there is a file.

    Thread Starter Gunu


    OK, still something strange.

    Changed the directory back to 755 and it works…. seemed

    I use qtranslate and when I switched to another language the errors are there again……

    Changed the directory to 777 and the other language also works.

    Put the directory again on 755 and it continue working in different languages.

    Is there a reason for this?

    I use google translate and don’t have that problem. feel free to take a look at https://bert.kroft.nl/benfietsen/ the google translate button is in the middle column

    766 works for me.
    Bedankt Jacob

    Thread Starter Gunu



    When I make changes in the settings from wp photo album plus I get an error.

    When I change the plugin folder from chmod 755 to chmod 777 it’s good.

    Now chmod 755 is not working. 766 is also not working.

    Jacob can you confirm that?

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    When I make changes in the settings from wp photo album plus I get an error.

    This is correct. The file contains init data, highly dependant on settings and language. After changing a setting it will be deleted. The first front-end page load should re-create it. On all my sites it works without any problems, with CHMOD 755, so the only thing that i did not expect was the failure of the creation of the file.

    I will release a fix for this today ( 5.2.14, although i am not supersticious, i will for obvious reasons skip version number 5.2.13 ).

    It is all about this piece of code in the pages content:

    <!-- WPPA+ Runtime parameters -->
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    	/* <![CDATA[ */
    	wppaDebug = false;
    	wppaVersion = "5-2-11-000";
    	wppaBackgroundColorImage = "#f7fbf2";
    	wppaPopupLinkType = "photo";
    	wppaAnimationType = "fadeover";
    	wppaAnimationSpeed = 1200;
    	wppaImageDirectory = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/images/";
    	wppaThumbnailAreaDelta = 14;
    	wppaTextFrameDelta = 181;
    	wppaBoxDelta = 14;
    	wppaSlideShowTimeOut = 6000;
    	wppaPreambule = 4;
    	wppaFilmShowGlue = true;
    	wppaSlideShow = "Diavoorstelling";
    	wppaStart = "Start";
    	wppaStop = "Stop";
    	wppaSlower = "Trager";
    	wppaFaster = "Sneller";
    	wppaPhoto = "Foto";
    	wppaOf = "van";
    	wppaPreviousPhoto = "Vorige foto";
    	wppaNextPhoto = "Volgende foto";
    	wppaPrevP = "Vorige";
    	wppaNextP = "Volgende";
    	wppaAvgRating = "Gem.&nbsp;waardering";
    	wppaMyRating = "Mijn&nbsp;waardering";
    	wppaAvgRat = "Gem.";
    	wppaMyRat = "Mijn";
    	wppaDislikeMsg = "U heeft deze afbeelding als ongepast gemarkeerd.";
    	wppaShowDislikeCount = true;
    	wppaNoDislikes = "Geen afkeuren";
    	wppa1Dislike = "1 afkeur";
    	wppaDislikes = "afkeuren";
    	wppaIncludingMine = "inclusief mijn";
    	wppaMiniTreshold = 500;
    	wppaUserName = "OpaJaap";
    	wppaRatingOnce = false;
    	wppaPleaseName = "Voer a.u.b. uw naam in";
    	wppaPleaseEmail = "Voer a.u.b. een geldig email adres in";
    	wppaPleaseComment = "Voer a.u.b een reactie in";
    	wppaHideWhenEmpty = false;
    	wppaBGcolorNumbar = "#cccccc";
    	wppaBcolorNumbar = "#cccccc";
    	wppaBGcolorNumbarActive = "#333333";
    	wppaBcolorNumbarActive = "#333333";
    	wppaFontFamilyNumbar = "";
    	wppaFontSizeNumbar = "px";
    	wppaFontColorNumbar = "#777777";
    	wppaFontWeightNumbar = "bold";
    	wppaFontFamilyNumbarActive = "";
    	wppaFontSizeNumbarActive = "px";
    	wppaFontColorNumbarActive = "#777777";
    	wppaFontWeightNumbarActive = "bold";
    	wppaNumbarMax = "10";
    	wppaLang = "";
    	wppaAjaxUrl = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php";
    	wppaSiteUrl = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress";
    	wppaNextOnCallback = true;
    	wppaRatingUseAjax = true;
    	wppaStarOpacity = 0.25;
    	wppaTickImg.src = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/images/tick.png";
    	wppaClockImg.src = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/images/clock.png";
    	wppaSlideWrap = true;
    	wppaLightBox = "wppa";
    	wppaEmailRequired = true;
    	wppaSlideBorderWidth = 7;
    	wppaAllowAjax = true;
    	wppaUsePhotoNamesInUrls = false;
    	wppaThumbTargetBlank = false;
    	wppaRatingMax = 5;
    	wppaRatingDisplayType = "graphic";
    	wppaRatingPrec = 2;
    	wppaStretch = false;
    	wppaMinThumbSpace = 7;
    	wppaThumbSpaceAuto = true;
    	wppaMagnifierCursor = "magnifier-medium.png";
    	wppaArtMonkyLink = "file";
    	wppaAutoOpenComments = false;
    	wppaUpdateAddressLine = false;
    	wppaUploadUrl = "https://www.opajaap.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/wppa";
    	wppaFilmThumbTitle = "Dubbel klik voor start/stop diavoorstelling";
    	wppaVoteForMe = "Vote for me!";
    	wppaVotedForMe = "Voted for me";
    	wppaSlideSwipe = true;
    	wppaMaxCoverWidth = 640;
    	wppaLightboxSingle = false;
    	wppaDownLoad = "Download";
    	wppaSlideToFullpopup = false;
    	wppaComAltSize = 75;
    	wppaBumpViewCount = true;
    	wppaShareHideWhenRunning = false;
    	wppaFotomoto = false;
    	wppaArtMonkeyButton = true;
    	wppaFotomotoHideHideWhenRunning = false;
    	wppaFotomotoMinWidth = 400;
    	/* ]]> */

    and coding purists want me to put this in a file to be loaded by wp_enqueue_script(). This will cause the actual download only once, further it will be taken from the browser cache, until it is renewed.

    The workaround i will provide, is the in the case the file can not be created, it will be output like it was before, including a warning message in the page source, so the user will not be bothered with it anymore.

    Hope this makes things clear.

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