• I have been putting this off for a long time and now I remmber why. <sigh>

    I have followed the instructions and upgraded first from 1.2 to 1.5 and then to the current 2.0.4.

    After completing the upgrade to 1.5 I no longer have the sidebar showing the categories, archives, etc. I am getting several database errors, mostly SQL syntax errors but one is for an incorrect table name.

    Before I work on fixing the rest of the issues I need to get this repaired.

    All the posts are showing up ok and the categories seem to be defined correctly in the admin page.

    Site url is https://www.mistycastle.com if you want to take a look.


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  • Any plugins or hacks from 1.2 still lying around?

    Thread Starter Jagmeister


    I disabled all the old plugins per the instructions. They are still in the folder though.

    What about a legacy myhacks.php file?

    Thread Starter Jagmeister


    Ahhhh… Excellent! That was it.

    Thanks…. Now on to patching up the rest of the site. The layout of this thing is sure way different than it was. This is going to take some effort to get things back the way they were.

    It is EXTREMELY different from 1.2. Like in a whole other universe….

    So if you need general theme help etc. please post back. Specific for using css (if you’ve not done so much before) are a bit beyond our “portfolio” here, but if that’s where you get hung up, we’ll try to provide some links to help you out.

    Thread Starter Jagmeister


    Yes…I can see that as I poke around a bit. I think it might be expeditious to start with a theme that I like and forget about what I had before. Time for a change anyway.

    The only real issue I need to deal with is a photo plugin. I was using Alex Kings wp-photo plugin which he apparently has not migrated to 2.x. A lot of my old posts have that configuration.

    The old posts can cause you some heartburn, yes, and I don’t personally know of any easy way to fix them other than painfully manually fixing them.

    As for new stuff: try ImageManager from https://soderlind.no – very easy to use (FAR more so than the quasi-stuff in 2.0+ – and btw, be sure you disable in your Users/Your Profile page the wysiwyg input – scroll down to the bottom, uncheck the box to the far left).

    Another option is a blogging client: Windows Live Writer (download here: https://download.microsoft.com/download/f/9/a/f9a19f2d-cec4-4a25-9b0b-eb9655ea7561/Writer.msi) which is not only MS but beta, but does work very very well for the most part (you’ll need to tweak a couple of areas in order to maintain valid code with graphics/maps insertions); a further possibility is the Performancing Firefox extension (https://performancing.com/), also a blogging client.

    I’ve had the best results with Windows Live Writer. Pretty bad when a 3rd party client makes things easier than the program “defaults” do.

    Oh – probably the best “showcase” for themes: https://themes.wordpress.net

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