• What might be involved in making a folder system (like your email box) for the drafts? I am always running aground trying to figure out which one of my 80+ drafts it is I was looking to edit…folders would be an excellent way to organize content-in-the-making.

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  • Since all your content is stored in the database (NOT in files and folders!), I don’t really understand your question…

    Moshu – I think the topic relates to how WP shows Draft Posts when you visit the Write -> Posts screen. All in one column.

    Almost seem to recall some discussion quite some time ago about this and the possibility that someone was going to churn out a plugin or something. My searchFu is weak and I’m not turning anything up.

    Thread Starter Xander


    Indeed, I am speaking of how drafts are displayed on the admin panel…

    Thread Starter Xander


    DIY solution, hack into edit.php and fiddle with how the drafts are displayed. After many searches, this is what I ended up doing. Now I display my drafts by major category, alphabetacized. It is much easier to navigate and pick through the various pieces I am in the process of researching/cleaning up.

    The simple approach is to copy the existing drafts/otherdrafts area, and create a custom function such as:

    function getdrafts1() {
    global $wpdb;
    $query = "SELECT ID, post_title FROM $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->post2cat c WHERE post_status = 'draft' AND ID = c.post_id AND c.category_id = '6' ORDER BY post_title ASC";
    return $wpdb->get_results( $query );

    $drafts1 = getdrafts1();

    In this case, I am plucking all of the posts in category “6” for display. It seems to work well enough for now, but keep in mind that any edits to your core files in the admin area may be overwritten when you upgrade. Alas, I did not see a hook in this area to make this a plugin, but all I wanted was something quick and dirty anyway.

    This post might also give you some ideas on how to manage your drafts:

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