• I have been using WordPress blog for a year now without problems. For the past 2 days when I attempt to log-on or view the site I receive the message:
    We are sorry, but you need to have at least PHP 5.3 to run this plugin (currently installed version: 5.2.17) – please upgrade or contact your system administrator.
    My server is from 1and1 internet and I have contacted for advice without success.
    I have checked my PHP version which shows as 5.4.23 ab-productions.co.uk/phpinfo.php

    I have now updated WordPress to version 3.8 and the problem still persists.
    I have been unable to locate the .htaccess file on the server to check or find any reference to the php version in the WordPress server files.

    Can anyone help and please keep it fairly simple.

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