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  • expertwebteam


    I also would like this feature. Is there no way for me to see the wishlists of a specific user? This would be super helpful!

    Thank you,

    Marcelo Pedra


    I second this feature request, it is absolutely useless to offer a wishlist without knowing what products are people asking for.



    It would be a great addition, I agree, but not critical. It would be nice if WishListed items would be presented in a similar way to the “Carts” Report in Woo. Where you can see items added by Guests or Registered customers.

    The purpose of the “Wish List” for the end user/customer is simply to be able to store existing items that they may want to purchase in the future for easy retrieval later. So it’s not “useless” to offer a Wishlist that doesn’t allow the the Admin to see what is being WishListed. The Wish List is a feature designed for the customer.

    I think what you are referring to Marcelo is the ability to “request” items? I’m not sure exactly how you would do that if you don’t already offer them. I suppose you could load up a bunch of products that are listed as “Out Of Stock” and see what people want? Just not sure how helpful that would be.

    Just some thoughts on this …

    Marcelo Pedra


    I told it’s useless if the admins cannot see “what the users wish”, because having that knowledge it is a matter of marketing and sales strategies. You can take actions to engage more with those users using wishlists by sending them focused offers. You can know what products are taking attention, besides what your Analytics can say… and also, knowing if ANYONE is barely using the wishlist feature at least ??
    I’m talking more from a sales manager perspective. The business need to know how the users are using everything, and what people want to be able to offer better goods and services to the people visiting the site.
    In a way, it’s a matter of business intelligence that this plugin could add up if the developer add the feature ??

    Hi I am looking for this as well and here is the answer I got from the YITM team :

    Unfortunately no, there is no way at this time, if you need this feature, you need to hire a developer or looking for a different plugin

    I looked around and even the official wootheme wishlist don’t have that capacity to track items add in the wishlist but I think it is possible to develop this ourselve altough I really lack of knowledge. If anyone has an information that could help us doing this I am interested. I will also contact the Addthis team to see if I could add a tracking from them in the plugin.

    I am also wondering if it is already possible to see it in Google analytic or Piwik or WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration

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