It would be a great addition, I agree, but not critical. It would be nice if WishListed items would be presented in a similar way to the “Carts” Report in Woo. Where you can see items added by Guests or Registered customers.
The purpose of the “Wish List” for the end user/customer is simply to be able to store existing items that they may want to purchase in the future for easy retrieval later. So it’s not “useless” to offer a Wishlist that doesn’t allow the the Admin to see what is being WishListed. The Wish List is a feature designed for the customer.
I think what you are referring to Marcelo is the ability to “request” items? I’m not sure exactly how you would do that if you don’t already offer them. I suppose you could load up a bunch of products that are listed as “Out Of Stock” and see what people want? Just not sure how helpful that would be.
Just some thoughts on this …