Yeah, using an icon font makes it a bit complicated to add new social media icons after the fact. You could do something like this: Upload the icons to the server and make a note of their path, width, and height. You’d then have to edit inc/theme-options.php
, social.php
, and css/social-icons.css
with something like this:
add_settings_field( 'social_researchgate', __( 'ResearchGate', 'dinky' ), 'dinky_settings_field_social_researchgate', 'theme_options', 'general' );
<?php if ( dinky_get_theme_option( 'social_researchgate' ) != '' : ?>
<li><a class="social-researchgate" href="<?php echo dinky_get_theme_option( 'social_researchgate' ) ?>" title="<?php _e( 'ResearchGate', 'dinky' ); ?>ResearchGate</a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
.social_researchgate {
background: url(fill in the path to your uploaded icons);
display: inline-block;
width: (width of your uploaded icon);
height: (height of your uploaded icon);
And then repeat that code for each new social media network you’d like to add. Good luck.