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  • Please try to use tar.gz

    I have fund a think that can improved for that in next bugfix release.

    Thread Starter Sonja London


    We tried tar.gz, and it works sometimes.

    But we prefer to use zip as some of our other tools use it.

    Hello, please test it with 3.1.1


    I use 3.1.1 and still get ER_DELETED !!!

    When I use tar.gz everything works fine, but with ZIP I get ER_DELETED.

    I checked the ZIP and it looks not bad. I can list the files inside the zip (nearly 4000) without any error!

    I used the Plugin for a very long time without any problems. Thanks for your work and your investigation!

    Kind regards,



    I still get these errors quite often, latest version of wp and plugin (and zip file looks like it is actually ok).

    Daniel Hüsken


    I have improved the zip file generation a bit for next release. I hope that will help here to.



    I updated BackWPup to 3.1.2, but ZIP does still not work without error (in the log) and now I get a new error on top: the generation of a wordpress export file works no more *wonder*

    If I try wordpress export manually it works in seconds without any error!

    Back to zip error …
    When I test the archive (zip -t or unzip -l) everything looks fine and the archive contains 48 files more then mentioned in the log.

    If I could see which enrtry or file is deleted from the archive it would be possible to check if it is in the archive or not. Could I (or you) activate something like “zip -v” for debugging?

    Thanks in advance,


    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:11] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Ordner für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:11] 636 Ordner für Backup.
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:11] 1. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:11] FEHLER: Konnte keine WordPress-Exportdatei erstellen.
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:11] 2. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:11] 3. Versuche, einen WordPress-Export als XML-Datei zu erstellen …
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:12] FEHLER: Konnte keine WordPress-Exportdatei erstellen.
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:12] FEHLER: Schritt abgebrochen durch zu viele Versuche!
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:12] 1. Versuche eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:12] manifest.json mit 5,09 kB wurde zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:12] 1. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:12] Komprimiere Dateien als ZipArchive. Bitte habe einen Moment Geduld.
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:42:52] FEHLER: Das Zip-Archive liefert den Status: (ER_DELETED) Eintrag wurde gel?scht
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:43:12] Backup wurde erstellt.
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:43:12] Archivgr??e ist 26,10 MB
    [15-Mrz-2014 09:43:12] 3930 Dateien mit 46,94 MB in Archiven.
    Sie müssen die Fehler für eine korrekte Ausführung beheben.

    Daniel Hüsken


    You can try again the Version from
    There the XML Export is totaly rewritten and the zipping works 2 times faster.
    The Zipping will not done on command line that is why you can’t do debugging.

    I have the same issue and have a question about how to install that version you reference above.

    I can not see how to upgrade my current plugin via a file upload, but if I install the version of the plugin above I have two versions of the same plugin installed.

    What is the best way for me to proceed?

    If you say… de-install the old version and install this new version, I will. I was just hoping not to lose the configurations I’ve set.

    I just go the same issue:

    ERROR: ZipArchive returns status: (ER_DELETED) Entry has been deleted

    Same problem here???

    Please, can anyeone try the beta from github and give me feadback if it resolved for him. I can’t reproduce it on ouer Servers.

    backwpup version 3.1.2

    it works on xampp1.7.7, option “Archive Format zip”.

    but it does’nt works on , option “Archive Format zip”.

    I tried 3.1.3-beta2 on , but it also have zip error.

    ERROR: ZipArchive returns status: (ER_DELETED) Entry has been deleted

    エラー: Zipアーカイブが返すステータス: (ER_DELETED) エントリーを削除しました

    Thank you for Japanese! I am looking forward new version.

    Same here. With version 3.1.3-beta2 the wordpress export file now works, but I have still the ER_DELETED during zipping!

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