• Resolved ashconnor


    I recently found this weblog were a guy displays RSS for all this categories with little RSS feed images.

    Does anybody know how I can archieve this?

    Using K2 template and Sidebar widgets.


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  • Could you provide a link to the blog with the images?

    Thread Starter ashconnor


    <?php wp_list_cats('feed_image=full_url_to_feed_img'); ?>

    Thread Starter ashconnor


    Where does this string go?


    it goes where-ever you want the category list to show up.

    Thread Starter ashconnor




    I’ve added

    • <h2>Categories</h2>
      <?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0&feed=RSS&feed_image=full_url_to_feed_img’); ?>

    But still no luck.


    Try in wp-content/themes/YourThemeName/sidebar.php and see if that doesn’t work.

    .. and please tell me you edited the “full_url_to_feed_img” part. Thats where YOU need to put the url to the image you want to use.

    Thread Starter ashconnor


    Yes I’ve edited the image url but still no luck.

    I’m not editing the /theme/sidebar.php because I’ve using the sidebar widgets plugin so I’ve been editing


    Because they both containt wp_cats and I don’t know which one wordpress is using.

    Now I’ve just read in the widgets readme:

    – themes
    – classic
    | functions.php (optional)
    \ sidebar.php (optional)
    – default
    | functions.php (optional)
    \ sidebar.php (optional)

    These themes are optional how do I activate them?


    Thread Starter ashconnor


    OK I’ve found out that editing widgets.php in the widgets plugin folder works.

    But the image is not showing just RSS which links to feed correctly.

    <?php wp_list_cats(“sort_column=name&optioncount=$c&hierarchical=$h&feed=RSS&feed_image=classic/feed-icon-16×16.jpg”); ?>


    Experiment with changing
    to point to where the image truly is.

    If your theme is “classic” and that’s where you put the feed-icon, you may want to remove “classic/” from that location. Or specify the fully qualified path as something like http://mydomain.com/wp-content/theme/classic/feed-icon-16x16.jpg

    Hopefully that’ll help a bit.

    Thread Starter ashconnor


    That works thanks for your time I appreciate it.



    even i looking for this for a long time well i like to know 1,can i show only rss category ?(not along with category )
    2,what are other format avaliable in rss out put

    sorry to digg the old post well i applied this code in my side bar


    <?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0&feed=RSS&feed_image=full_url_to_feed_img’); ?>

    well work fine only in the home page , if i visit other pages(like category,sigle post,about what ever ) image dosn’t show up but it work fine only in index page any suggestion

    use the full URL to the feed image, not the relative path.

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