• I’m pulling my hair out….how do I go about setting the width of my blog to a minimum width of 800px and a max of 1200px? Is there a setting in WordPress that can be changed? If not, any ideas? TIA

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  • In your stylesheet. IN you outer container (whatever it is), put in:


    This will not work for IE, though. You have to add a conditional comment for IE, and place this inside:

    width:expression(((document.compatMode &&
    document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ?
    document.documentElement.clientWidth :
    > 1218 ? "1200px" : (((document.compatMode &&
    document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ? document.documentElement.clientWidth :
    document.body.clientWidth) < 1024 ? "800px" : "95%"));

    That’ll do ya.

    doodlebee you are a genius!
    Thanks for saving my blog (vikingprincess.net – currently under constuction)

    IE6 was driving me crazy… Nothing was looking the same as in FF/Moz/Opera. I haven’t been a programmer for years and had forgotten how crazy MS software can be to work with. I haven’t done CSS (or even really HTML) before, so I am learning as I go along…It doesn’t help that IE is doing its own thing – I keep thinking it’s me making mistakes.

    For the record: I tried 3 other suggested IE ‘hacks’ from elsewhere on the web. Yours was the only really good one for creating a dynamic (e.g. completely resizable) 3 column theme.
    Thanks again! x


    Glad I could help ??

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