Display link categories on separate pages
I’ve been struggling for months to get my link categories displayed invididually by category on individual pages.
My link categories are like ‘city links’ ‘state links’ etc. and they are numerous per category.
You can see I currently have all the links on one page now (links) but the list is so long it’s not usable.
I’ve tried the linkspage.php with a <!–linksdropdown–> and it functions, but not how I want it. I want to dedicate a page per category for user ease.
I’ve tried runPHP and it doesn’t seem to work per category either.
I’ve also tried < ?php wp_get_links(2); ?> replacing each number with a category and that isn’t working.
I’m thinking the best best is to alter linkspage.php plugin to pick categories rather than display in dropdown list?
Ideas? thanks for any and all help.
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