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  • Plugin Author Lena Stergatou


    I believe it is a browser issue. Have you try it with other browser?

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    I have tried it with Chrome, Firefox and IE, all with the same problem. It is not just PDF files that doesn’t work, but all of the following formats:

    txt, pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, zip, tar, gz

    If i try to upload these, it works, but when i try to download a file with any of these formats, i just get sent back to the groups starting page. The files are there when i am checking the server with FileZilla though, and they are listed in the “Documents” area of the group. I have tried deactivating all plugins ( Except BuddyPress of course ), changed to BuddyPress theme ( unmodified ) and even re installed BP Group documents. Nothing helps. I even tried to finds something wrong in the .htaccess, but couldn’t see anything obviously wrong with them.

    I have the latest version of BP Group Document ( 1.5 ), BuddyPress ( 1.8.1 ) and WordPress ( 3.7.1 )

    Plugin Author Lena Stergatou


    Can I have a link of your site?

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    Absolutely, but you will have to register as a new member, and then i need to invite you to the group in order for you to see the group documents. The site is at .

    Plugin Author Lena Stergatou


    Done. Username lenasterg.

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    I’ve sent you the invite, accept it and you should be able to access the group and its full range of documents. They are all “proper” files, that is, they are not simply name changes, but “save as” formats in various programs.

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    I beg your pardon, i forgot i deleted the files on the FTP server, ill upload them all right away, give me five minutes

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    There we go, one file per allowed file format is now uploaded. If you try to download any of these file formats you will see the problem:

    txt, pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, zip, tar, gz

    Plugin Author Lena Stergatou


    It’s weird cause the other types are OK.
    Do you get any errors on your server error log when someone tries to download?

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    The only log files i can find show no error logged at all at the time i try to download the problematic files…i do not own the server though, so i can only see the word press installation folder and a separate log folder on my FTP space. There might be logs outside of this space, but i have no control over them.

    Plugin Author Lena Stergatou


    If you have access to your .htaccess file can you send it to my email?
    stergatu at cti dot gr

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    I rather not, since it contains a lot of sensitive security settings. However, if you tell me what you think might be the problem with it, ill gladly check.

    Ooh, by the way, i have a plugin called Better WP Security which has made several changes to the .htaccess file. However when i deactivated all plugins except BuddyPress and BP Group Documents ( and therefore also Better WP Security ) the problem didn’t go away.

    Plugin Author Lena Stergatou


    I ‘m thinking that maybe the changes in .htaccess which were made doesn’t “roll back” when you deactivate the plugins.
    So, I would suggest to try with a “clean” .htaccess.
    1.Deactivate the other plugins.
    2. Make a backup copy of your current htaccess.
    3. From (or other location you find) grab the rules which match your installation and put them on your .htaccess.
    4. Try the plugin.

    If it works just add one by one your .htaccess settings, if not ?? it could be something in the server settings so you have to contact your server administrator.

    Thread Starter craftersuniversity


    Followed your instructions by the letter, still the same problem. I also tried turning of all the settings in Better WP Security so that the .htaccess file is emptied of settings through the plugin itself. I also checked manually that the file was cleaned, which it was. I then deactivated and deleted Better WP Security and still the problem will not go away. Have a look for yourself when you get the chance.

    The only thing left by the Better WP Security that i know of is the fact that it changed the name of the SQL table to something other then “WP_”. If this has nothing to do with this problem, then i cant see how Better WP Security could be the bad guy in this drama…

    Plugin Author Lena Stergatou


    did you upload any files after ?
    Also you still have plenty plugins activated.
    If it is not a live site yet, can you deactivate all other plugins?

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