@stylemonk When you update this theme the credits will appear again. So to remove them permanently create and activate a child theme. Create a functions.php file inside wp-content/themes/contango-child/ and place the following code.
add_action( 'init', 'remove_credits' );
function remove_credits()
remove_action( 'contango_footer', 'contango_footer_init' );
add_action( 'contango_footer', 'my_footer_init' );
function my_footer_init()
/** Theme Data & Settings */
$contango_options = contango_get_settings();
/** Footer Copyright Logic */
$contango_copyright_code = '© Copyright '. date( 'Y' ) .' - <a href="'. esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) .'">'. get_bloginfo( 'name' ) .'</a>';
if( $contango_options['contango_copyright_control'] == 1 ) {
$contango_copyright_code = ' ';
if( ! empty( $contango_options['contango_copyright'] ) ) {
$contango_copyright_code = wp_specialchars_decode( $contango_options['contango_copyright'], ENT_QUOTES );
<div class="grid_5 alpha">
<div class="copyright_inside">
<?php echo $contango_copyright_code; ?>
<div class="grid_11 omega">
<div class="credit_inside">