• Hello,

    I installed contus video plugin and the sample videos are all working great. Then I deleted all the sample categories and videos and make my own ones.

    But when I add a new video from youtube, nothing is working. The video wont play. At the video adding dashborad the “path” is empty. No thumbnails. From the front end, no video nor thumnail are displayed.

    I am using the latest version of wordpress and contus video

    Please help!!


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  • Hi,

    Please let me know, when you add new video what message you are getting. “Video added successfully” or “Video not added successfully”? If you getting not added successfully, then please contact our support team via live chat at https://www.apptha.com. So that we can check and update the solution ASAP.

    Thread Starter spike2011



    I do get the “video added successful” message. The problem is the video is not saved and nothing is store in the database except the title and description of the video. I check the database and every fields needed is there.

    I opened a ticket to the technical team last week and it seems they are still working on it. So far, it hasn’t been successful yet.

    I hope the technical team can sort out the problem.


    Sure. We will fix the issue and update the solution ASAP.


    We have fixed the issue. We have modified the file https://tv.linelay.com/wp-content/plugins/contus-video-gallery/admin/js/admin.js.

    Thread Starter spike2011


    Thank you so much!!

    After that hasn’t resolved, the playlist player on homepage doesn’t work. It doesn’t show the videos. Also, the rating, it doesn’t work.

    It would be great if you could suggest me how to sort this out.

    Thank you so much for helping!

    Thread Starter spike2011


    The playlist on homepage is working fine now.

    Only the rating issue is left. I will also try to do myself though while waiting.


    Thread Starter spike2011


    Another thing that i would like to change.

    How do I increase the number of word counts for the title of the video?

    Thank you so much!


    Please note that we will not display rating in video home page by default. However we will do it for you and update you once we completed.

    Regarding title count increase, please open the following files and find class="videoHname". Below the line you can find the following code.

    if (strlen($nameF[$j]) > 30) {
                                    $div            .= substr($nameF[$j], 0, 30) . '..';

    here you can increase the title length.


    If you have any other queries feel free to contact us.

    Thread Starter spike2011


    Thank you so much! The word limits has been solved!

    I have another few questions:

    (1) Can we integrate this plugin with SEO Yoast? Because it doesn’t seem to be SEO friendly.

    (2) How can I add the player like homepage in the more video page? So that the more video page has the player on top and all video below it.

    Regarding with the rating last time, I mean the rating on individual video doesn’t work. It would be because of my theme. When I switch the theme, the rating works perfect. Any suggestion for this?

    Thank you so much in advance!


    (1) Can we integrate this plugin with SEO Yoast? Because it doesn’t seem to be SEO friendly.

    ##) Yes you can use our plugin with SEO Yoast. Please note that we have completed SEO option in our upcoming version and currently the package is under testing. Hope we will release the package in 1 week. If you are interested, please wait for 1 week. Else you can very well use the SEO plugin.

    (2) How can I add the player like homepage in the more video page? So that the more video page has the player on top and all video below it.

    ##) Please note that the feature you are requesting is not available in our default package and you need to customize the feature.

    (3) Regarding with the rating last time, I mean the rating on individual video doesn’t work. It would be because of my theme. When I switch the theme, the rating works perfect. Any suggestion for this?

    ##) We have checked your details in our ticketing system and the details are not working now. Please check and let us know the correct details via your ticket. So that we can fix the issue from our end and update the solution ASAP.

    Thread Starter spike2011



    The 2.5 update was giving me trouble!

    After I update to 2.5 version. All my video list from both back-end and front end disappeared. But then I down-grade to lower version, the videos are all back but I will have to do the styling again.!

    That was unexpected!

    I am not sure if only me sees this happens!


    We will upgrade our latest package from our end and update the status ASAP.

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