• Resolved Charles


    Hello Ruphel,

    Firstly, I want to say thank you for a template that has so many simple customization options using bootstrap3 & a simple elegant layout. I installed the template on WordPress yesterday night & found that my homepage post excerpts do not center very well with the top header when using a sidebar & also having 66% content width. The content width doesn’t seem to interfere with the post excerpts, but if I want to use a sidebar for my main content, I don’t seem to have a simple choice in aligning it directly using the customization option.

    I could possibly change the class for the homepage & use a second class for the main content, but is there a more efficient way of doing this than creating a new CSS class?

    Center Alignment on Homepage: https://www.infinitesapience.com
    Center Alignment on Main Content Articles: https://www.infinitesapience.com/

    My second question is how do I implement all the wonderful styles, buttons, & enhancements of bootstrap3 they inform us about on their website? For instance, if I want to add a responsive table like this oneon one of my posts, do I simply add the HTML provided when I post an article on my main page?

    <div class="table-responsive">
      <table class="table">

    Edit: I tested this with a responsive table & everything seemed to work. All I did was add the html & css class attributes used from bootstrap3’s website.

    Thirdly, I am also interested in modifying the CSS / HTML extensively, but am afraid my edits / changes would simply be erased when an update is available for this template. If I edit the style.dev.css & change it to style.css, will my code / edits be erased or would I simply go back to the style.dev.css & copy & paste to style.css (Of course after I backup the default CSS file) after the template has been updated? Does a update of this template replace the style.dev.css CSS file?

    Thanks again Ruphel!

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  • Theme Author ruphel



    Nice colour scheme!

    Just to answer your last question first, if you use the child theme that is provided (or create your own)you can make all the modifications you want and your changes will not be effected by updates. Just move the child-theme zip file from the lobster folder to your themes folder and unzip. That way you can add a function.php and any other template you need.

    The easiest way to use all the Bootstrap 3 features is to use a plugin, there are a few. This one comes with video a tutorial
    Just make sure that you don’t reload the CSS and JS files as they are already loaded by the theme, you can do this via the settings.

    The plugin allows you most if not all Bootstrap’s features in your posts and pages. You may have to tweak some CSS, but if you are using a child theme that is no hassle.

    The problem with your layouts is (I think!) is that you want a right sidebar on some pages, and then centered on others?

    The theme layout is Global, meaning that you pick one layout for the entire website.

    What I’ll do for the time being is I’ll create and experiment with a few page templates (layout options) in a child theme and see if I can give you the option of using different layouts (One column – centered, sidebar left and sidebar right).

    Layouts on a per-page or per-post option would require an update.

    So I’ll do some experimenting and I’ll get back to you, hopefully in the next few hours or so.

    Theme Author ruphel


    Before I start introducing templates etc, please go to:


    and download 1.9.4 which reverts the CSS and JS back to Bootstrap 3.0.0 whilst keeping all the other changes. Boostrap 3.0.2 introduced new changes to the grid that I wasn’t aware of. I’ll update to 3.0.2 or higher in version 2.0 when I’ll introduce layout options on a per page or per post bases.

    If that doesn’t improve things, let me know. That’s an pretty big oversight on my half. Again 1.9.4 should work as well as 1.9.2

    Thread Starter Charles


    Thanks for the assistance Ruphel – Since this template is very new it seems & still needs some work done to it, I decided to use the Keep It Simple Rule =P

    After you apply the updates & enhance this template – I will surely be back to use it. I have many sites & ideas I would love to use this template for. I gotta learn some more about bootstrap before I dive into this domain.

    Again thanks!


    Theme Author ruphel



    Thanks, I’m just sorry because your design looks awesome. I am still very much learning the ropes as a theme author. I need a much more robust development regimen. Before pushing under-cooked/ill-tested updates.

    I was reading


    and that gave me a few good pointers. The aim now is to make 2.0 a much better and stable theme for users.

    Again, sorry and thanks for your feedback ??

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