Generating WordPress Blogs through a seperate site….
I am looking to create a community site and one of the features of this would be to supply a wordpress blog.
I was hoping however that the installation process for these blogs could be performed entirely through my site.
I would of course still acknowledge wordpress and let every member know that the blog was supplied through wordpress, however I would like for members to create a wordpress blog without having to install the directory to my web server and go through all the installation bits with wordpress.
This is the way I would like it to work…..
A user clicks that they want a weblog on my site. This automatically installs a fresh copy of the wordpress folder directory on my web server. They then fill out a series of questions in my site that installs and sets up the wordpress blog.
Can you experts tell me is possible and if anyone has ever tried anything like this before.
The whole thinking behind it is that it will be automated and that I as the web developer will not have to manually set up the blogs for each of my members.
Thanks for the help.
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