• Resolved otta88sun


    nice plugin! I’m setting up a function that automatic send newsletter every published post.

    Instead send to all I’ld like to send only to who have settet in their profil che checkbox “Allow to receive post/page notification”.

    Is there a function to get if a user (while loop) has checked or not this option?

    Thank you


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  • Thread Starter otta88sun


    I found my own solution. Using plugin “Types” i setted a custom user field. Then checking that i understand if yes or not.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Sorry I missed this question earlier. In Email Users the allow post/page notification is stored as user meta data. You can use the standard WordPress user meta functions to check if a user has chosen to receive notifications or not.

    The Email Users plugin defines two constants, one for each meta value:

    // User meta
    define( 'MAILUSERS_ACCEPT_NOTIFICATION_USER_META', 'email_users_accept_notifications' );
    define( 'MAILUSERS_ACCEPT_MASS_EMAIL_USER_META', 'email_users_accept_mass_emails' );

    You can check the value like this:

    get_user_meta($user_id, MAILUSERS_ACCEPT_NOTIFICATION_USER_META, true)

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter otta88sun


    Hi man,
    will be sure helpfull for someone. However i got the need of make choice between Show newsletter: yes, no, only news, and of course i needed a custom meta user.

    Thank you however, your plugin is usefull to me for send broadcast custom email ??

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