Hello, I’ve encounter the same issue as designwrech, though it didn’t show up for myself until after I turned on the filter for wpautop. Anyway, I’ve tracked it down to all files in the services directory.
Basically, the shareButton, linkButton, and buttonImage have hard returns in the html, and when parsed, they show up as br tags where the hard returns are.
Here’s an illustration for anyone interested. I’m going to use the offending code from file class-SH_Digg.php, it’s the same for all files though with the exception of class-SH_Social_Service.php
(shareButton for Digg):
$html = '<a class="' . $this->cssClass() . '"
. 'url='. $url. '" '
. ($this->newWindow ? 'target="_blank"' : '') . '>';
Should look like this instead.
$html = '<a class="' . $this->cssClass() . '" href="https://www.digg.com/submit?' . 'url='. $url. '" ' . ($this->newWindow ? 'target="_blank"' : '') . '>';
$html .= $this->buttonImage();
$html .= '</a>';
(linkButton for Digg):
$html = '<a class="' . $this->cssClass() . '"
href="'. $url. '" ' .
($this->newWindow ? 'target="_blank"' : '') . '>';
Should look like this instead.
$url = "https://www.digg.com/$username";
$html = '<a class="' . $this->cssClass() . '" href="'. $url. '" ' . ($this->newWindow ? 'target="_blank"' : '') . '>';
$html .= $this->buttonImage();
$html .= '</a>';
And finally, in file class-SH_Social_Service.php – funny name for the file =)
$imageUrl = $this->imagePath . trim(strtolower($this->service)) . $this->imageExtension;
return '<img
alt="'.$this->service. '"
src="' . $imageUrl .'" />';
Should look like this:
$imageUrl = $this->imagePath . trim(strtolower($this->service)) . $this->imageExtension;
return '<img title="'.$this->service.'" alt="'.$this->service. '" src="' . $imageUrl .'" />';
Anyway, that’s pretty much it. Hope it helps for those who need a quick fix until one can be made from the author.
Thanks for the plugin, keep up the good work!