I have no problem viewing your site.
You basically want to build yourself a custom theme. You’ll stick everything you have right now for your site into a folder in wordpress/wp-content/themes/yourthemefolder, and then replace the body part of your index.php file with a wordpress loop. There’s more to it than that, but I’m talking big picture here. You can use lady’s links for more specific info.
If you look at an existing theme, you’ll see standard website stuff, but with specific items replaced with php calls. You can hard code some of those if you like, your title for example. Some of those items are replaced with php calls so that you can change their values within the wordpress admin area and they’ll instantly be reflected on the site without going in and editing the theme. If you want to do this for yourself, and not release it as a proper theme, you can get away with not doing a lot of those php calls.
The bare essential stuff you need on your webpage is a main loop and a sidebar for blog navigation. Again, more to it than that, but designing a theme for wordpress isn’t that different that what you’ve already done.
Plenty of people who design themes don’t understand php. It’s all pretty cut and paste. Nothing to be intimidate by.
Consider this post more of a pep talk than technical advice.