• My blog is slow.

    I thought maybe it was my connection or the server performance… so I uploaded a test file around 15 megs and then downloaded it directly from my site. It flew down the pipe at a blazing speed of 300 KB/sec, and the server offered up the file instantly. Likewise, I emptied my cache and browsed around the site’s images to see if raw images would be served up slowly like the blog, and they served up really fast.

    I thought, “Maybe it is a plugin.” But WordPress’s admin pages – any of them – sometimes report that they are taking around 30 seconds to be generated. The admin pages aren’t affected by plugins that aren’t aimed at the admin pages. I’m not talking about just the dashboard, but manage pages, manage posts, etc etc are slow – very slow.

    My blog is at https://www.24fightingchickens.com

    The strange thing is, it was generating pretty quickly this morning. it seems to slow down around lunch time and then stay slow all day long. ??

    Any suggestions? Do I need a new web host despite my successful tests of the network connection speed and the server response times?

    Is there something in particular they ought to be doing that they aren’t I could tell them about?

    Or is WordPress just a snail?

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  • Generation of dynamic pages and transfer/access speed don’t have much to do with each other. Your host can have you on a server that has top notch storage and network connections, but is jam-packed with sites that choke the database server and hog the cpu. The fact that the speeds vary during the day point to the latter, in my opinion.

    I’d have to agree with newflesh, similar observations from here.

    For comparison, I can say that I get download speeds of 300-400KB/s from my host, and the generation reports on my admin pages are usually somewhere in the 0.2-0.5 second range, and only occasionally going up towards 3-5 seconds. I’d say that if you tell your host anything it should be that the server performance you are getting is terrible.

    “Your host can have you on a server that has top notch storage and network connections, but is jam-packed with sites that choke the database server and hog the cpu.”

    Well put and very, very true. You should also read this thread:


    Thread Starter 24fc


    I contacted the hosting company again, and this time I pointed out that the admin pages – all of them with the timer on the bottom, were reporting 30 second plus generation times. I’m now getting in the 1 to 3 second per page rage and the site loads fairly rapidly.

    I imagine that something was wrong with the server, some application was choking, or there was someone operating without a proper partition to protect my site from theirs (shared hosting).

    I appreciate the answers. The timer at the bottom of the admin pages was a great idea. It proved that it was not network connectivity.

    Thread Starter 24fc


    To follow up, I changed hosts and the problem was eliminated. The timer at the new host shows only .2 sec page generation times in most cases.

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