• Hey guys,

    I downloaded your plugin and attempted to upload a CSV file but it is not working, I keep getting the message “Note: Please include post_type value if that is possible. An error occurred while saving the post to database.” for all 347 items.

    Maybe the way my CSV file is setup is wrong? I am trying to update a CSV file with ONLY TAGS in it. I need to update a very large bulk of tags to the WordPress.. that’s why I am doing this.

    Please help thank you!



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  • Plugin Author Takuro Hishikawa


    Hi Jenny,

    please tell me more about your csv file. which columns included? like this?


    Hi, I have the same mistake. I can’t upload your examples neither. I don’t know how can I do?

    Plugin Author Takuro Hishikawa


    Hi rpazos, could you tell me more about your csv file, or upload to somewhere?

    Same problem, here are the first 3 lines of my csv:
    Line1: post_id,post_name,post_author,post_date,post_type,post_status,post_title,post_content,post_category,post_tags,custom_field

    Line2: “”,”pollo-campero”,”admin”,”2014/1/16 0:00″,”post”,”publish”,”Pollo campero”,”<h2>Ingredientes:</h2>

    • 120 grs. de cebolla

    “,”dieta”,”dietas, recetas de dieta”,”/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/tn0_313360die.JPG”

    Line3: “”,”dip-rojo-no1″,”admin”,”2014/1/16 0:00″,”post”,”publish”,”Dip rojo No.1″,”<h2>Ingredientes:</h2>

    • 1 taza de queso cottage

    .”,”dieta”,”dietas, recetas de dieta”,”/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/tn0_312668f13201281010a.JPG”

    Plugin Author Takuro Hishikawa


    Hi guys, please tell me more about your csv file and your environment.

    1. Which machine used to create csv file, Windows OR Mac/Linux
    2. Which server os are used to running WordPress, IIS(WIndows) OR Linux

    Both OS has different line endings, and PHP might be not able to recognize different line ending.

    Hi. I had exactly the same problem. In the end I stopped using Libreoffice and used Excel instead. I also copied the sample file and just inserted my own data under the post_title post_content etc. headings. Then it worked fine. I hope this helps.



    Hi. I had exactly the same problem too. but I settled this error.
    You probably use separate tab in CSV file.
    Really Simple CSV Importer allow only Comma Separated Value.
    Please try it.

    hi all, same problem. This is my test data



    Plugin Author Takuro Hishikawa


    How “same”? Please tell me more, and read advices from other guys!

    I add, I’m using the Advance Custom Field” plugin and i need to import datas in the custom fields too

    this is the error
    Note: Please include post_type value if that is possible.
    An error occurred while saving the post to database.

    I’ve tryied using the custom_fields.csv file. If i upload this withou modify it runs, but how can I use it with my custom fields?

    Hi all, I’ve done a step in right direction. Now I now how your plugin works, but HOW can I export an excel file in the way that your plugin works? I mean, I can change the list separators, and I modify it form my standard ; to your plugin preference ,. Now, how can I automatically close the rows with a “? excel does not export the cell with ” separator and I manually change the , with “,”…but I need to close the rows with ” autoatically within the save as opertion. I hope I explain wel my issue. Thanks in advance

    Plugin Author Takuro Hishikawa


    I recommend to use LibreOffice instead of MS Excel.

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