Ok, I am also confused. I probably said the wrong thing, and I apologize for that. You are probably frusterated with me lol.
I initally wanted comments how they are right now – not pop up (which I thought was pop up for some strange reason). What I want accomplished in the end is possibly one of two things:
1. Have there not be the comments and comment form shown on my permalink page (only a comment link)
2. Somehow change my prev/next buttons on the perma (single) page to show the set-up of the page.php where again comments are not shown (there would be a link to comments but them not shown on page with the form without clicking to see them). I have prev/next buttons on both the index.php and single.php – The ones on index.php do what I want them to but do not work on the single.php because of the way the page is set up with permalinks etc.
I know this sounds confusing, but if there is a way to do this I would really like for one of these things to happen. The reason I thought about trying to change the perma page is really so that a viewer visiting through a permalink page, or a visitor who has already viewed a page and made a comment can scroll through the rest of the pages without seeing the comments and comment form already there.
If it would be easy to have what I now know as “pop-up” comments (which I would rather not do but have thought about it as a solution) how would I do that? Or is this all stupid and I should leave it how it is?
I’m sorry for the confustion, I appreciate all your help.