• Good Evening all,
    I have installed WP early this morning and have spent the entire day configuring things to my liking. I created a simple, small banner for the top of my log and have managed to figure out how to get it posted there. My trouble now is I can not for the life of me get rid of the overlay that defaults there.
    I have read every post reguarding this topic within this forum before coming here as a last resort.
    I am pretty sure that I need to somehow edit the index.php file…but what line exactly?
    Here is a link to my blog…so you can see what I am talking about at the top

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  • I believe when I was fiddling with this I just took out what referred to it in the wp-layout.css file. that seemed to work for me…

    This code in index.php is what’s actually calling your blog name:
    ” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
    It’s preceded by: <h1 id=”header”>
    (Around line 35 in cvs)
    Get rid of the a href part and that should work.

    Thread Starter Roseann


    Thanks for trying you two…I am ready to bang my head against my desk…..cena…did part of the code you tried to post to me get cut off?? What is cvs? I am opening and editing my css file using dreamweaver.
    It is still not going away.
    still at it
    PS…on aside note…does anyone else have to scroll down miles between each reply when reading posts??? This has been like this for me all day which is another reason why it has taken me all day to read through the archive of messages.

    Thread Starter Roseann


    ok….well I somehow figured it out. I took out just the

    Thread Starter Roseann


    ok scratch my last post…i figured out why my topper logo was distorted….if you click on the top where my logo is…and hold your mouse down like you were copying and pasting you will see there is a line of code there hiding behind the scenes……how can i remove that?? anyone??

    Thread Starter Roseann


    Laughing Lizard,
    I must be haing a blonde moment here because I do not have that line to even remove. Is it possible that I removed it already with all this fiddling?
    Can you possibly tell me what line preceeds it?
    I hate to be such a pain with this…..I will not rest until I know that underlying text is gone.
    Thanks for helping,

    Just stumbled in on this topic.
    Roseann, from what I can see there’s two problems with your page, the one is the hidden stuff in your header, the second if the menu section (which has the recent links and calendar and stuff in it).
    Firstly your header
    Now I don’t claim to be an web-design expert, but it seems you’ve already fiddled around with that line. The line Laughing Lizard is referring to would be the line that starts with <h1 id=”header”>.
    Although what you want to do is probably better done through image replacement, in order to maintain the logical structure of your content, I suppose it doesn’t really hurt at this stage.
    (Note that in the “more” link in your Recent Links page, that “overlay” jumps out again. Using image replacement techniques with your CSS stylesheet probably will fix this problem across all your pages.)
    Check here for an image replacement tutorial. To implement it, you’ll have to add the span tag in-between your current h1 tags. (Since I can’t see your index.php, only a parsed output, I can’t see your exact code. So I’m guessing here.)
    (There’s also another technique for image replacement without adding the extra tag, but I kind of mis-placed that bookmark…sorry.)
    Secondly your menu section
    Maybe it’s just me, but I’m guessing that you left some space on the right hand side for the menu, which, on my browser (Firefox 0.8) sits under your post and comments. Can’t see at a glance why it’s sitting down there instead of on the right, but I know it’ll work if you move your menu section to appear in front of the post section in your index.php, then take out the top, right,position parameters in your menu style and finally add the line float:right to the menu style, then you’ll get the two-column effect. (Might also want to add clear:both to your .credit style.)
    Make sure you back up index.php and your wp-layout.css before you do what I said here, though. I don’t want you to get in more trouble if I’m just being stupid here.
    Oh and by the way, no I don’t have to scroll down miles to see comments. I get header, post, comments, menu section, footer/credit in that order.

    LL’s code is what my post chopped off, Roseann. Sorry bout that.
    Great post, btw, alrescha!

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