Hey there.
I note this ticket is some 8 month old, not sure if you actually need help or not still. I’d guess not but in case it helps anyone else.
Firstly you can use this CSS to change the colour of the top bar:
.topinfobar, .topinfobar span.info {background-color:#000 !important;}
And the button on the top right there:
.topinfobar .siteinfourl p {background-color:#000;}
You can either place this in a child theme:
Or you could use a CSS plugin like this:
But that’s not it, this theme also uses images:
/infoway/images/topinfobarbg.png – You could probably just remove this in the CSS and leave the CSS to handle like:
.topinfobar, .topinfobar span.info {background-image:none; background-color:#000;}
This would be in place of the original CSS above.
For the footer, they also seem to use an image:
We could remove this in CSS:
.footer-bottom, .footer-wrapper .footer { background-color:#000; background:none; }
If this doesn’t work then chances are the new code isn’t called last and you’ll need to use the !important rule. Just let me know and I’ll take another look ??
I also used the colour black with this hex code #000, you’ll want to change that to your own choice of colour.
One other note, you may also wish to change the font colour in the footer. If you get stuck then please let me know.
Hope this helps someone that might find this thread. ??