How do I minimize the size of a picture (i.e., the picture of the smoothie).
Best way is to edit the post using the Text editor (not the Visual editor) and add inline style to the img tag, setting either the width or the height property (the other value should change automatically in proportion). For example, if you wanted to set the width, you would change this:
<img class="alignright size-20%" title="20131017_072817.jpg" alt="image" src="">
to this:
<img class="alignright size-20%" title="20131017_072817.jpg" style="width:200px;" alt="image" src="">
The style=”width:200px;” is called an inline style. 200px is 200 pixels (where a pixel is a small dot on your screen, the size of which depends on your monitor’s resolution). You would adjust this value up or down depending upon how big you want your image. You can also use a percentage, as well. For example, instead of 200px, you can use 25%.
Also on the same page, how do I remove the top line that says CATEGORY ARCHIVES: HEALTHY CHANGES? I’d prefer to remove that.
In your child theme’s style.css file, add this CSS rule at the bottom:
header.archive-header {
display: none;