• Hi Aaron,

    This is along the lines of previous questions you have answered. The response was

    Your server is limiting loopback calls. This basically means that your server is keeping your site from calling itself. Whenever a user is visiting your site and Twitter Widget Pro determines that you need updates from Twitter, it actually calls another page on your site that does the update. This way the user doesn’t have to wait while all the processing is being done. There have been some hosts that have turned off this functionality or blocked it with their firewalls. If this is the case, Twitter Widget Pro cannot update

    I contacted the host for the site in question and they stated that they are not blocking loopbacks. Do you have a way of testing this particular aspect? The plugin was working for me for some time, then it stopped updating.

    The odd issue I seem to be encountering is that if I change the number of posts being displayed, then I get the most recent feed, but as soon as I set the number of posts back to 2, I see the old posts again.

    I was able to clear out those old posts by clearing out the reference to them in the database, but now it simply has more recent posts displayed, though no longer current.

    Do you have any other suggestions? Your plugin is AWESOME and is wonderfully customizable, and suits the site I have it on perfectly. Unfortunately, my client seems to be happy with her host, and they claim there is no loopback prevention in place. As requested, do you have a method of testing the loopback block so that I can direct the host to the area that needs addressing?

    Thanks to much!



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  • I’m having the same issue with my clients site. I updated WordPress and it seemed to be working last Friday, but now that I check again it still has the same tweets of Friday.

    Very frustrating. Not sure why it stopped working all of a sudden.

    Any insight as to how to get the twitter feed working again?


    I’ve experienced the same issue from the time I installed the plugin. Same user, same account. Loop backs limited to something like 10 per 60 seconds (GoDaddy). This is the third time that the plugin simply stops updating. I’ve tried clearing locks, activating and de-activating. I am updated to the latest version (2.6.0 at the time of writing).

    It would be very helpful if the answer to this common problem were addressed in the FAQ. In the meantime, has anyone found a solution to this?

    Same problem, just installed.

    I’ve just re-discovered the cause of my own issue.

    It is a conflict with another plugin. Specifically Better WordPress Security, and even more specifically, one of the rules that are inserted into the .htaccess file when one chooses to add the anti-hacking rules (Ban tab ? User and Bot Blocklist ? Add Host and Agent Blocklist ? [ ] Check this box to enable HackRepair.com’s blacklist feature.).

    My fix was to remove the added .htaccess rules. I haven’t taken the time to figure out exactly which one it is, however. That would be a long and tedious testing process.

    May I recommend to the developer, should they read these comments to include the above fact in their FAQ? I bet it would save a lot of headaches both in terms of support and for the general users.

    Good luck, fine people.

    Hi there
    I’m having the same problem on a customer’s site. Just installed, displays tweet, but doesn’t update. If, as suggested above, I change the number of tweets visible, it shows the latest, if I change it back, it goes back to the tweet that was there when I first installed a few days ago.

    frankmarion – how did you identify which plugin was causing the conflict? Was it a case of deactivating everything and so on?


    More, or less, yes. It is the simple process of elimination.

    First, change to a default WP theme. Does that fix the issue? If yes, then something in your theme is messing with it. Sometimes the code we stick here and there, or in functions.php can conflict or mess with code that comes from a third-party plugin.

    If changing themes doesn’t help, then turn to the plugins.

    Turn all off but TWP. Does that fix it? No? Not a plugin conflict.

    If it does fix it, the issue then is a plugin conflict.

    Turn on the first half of all your plugins, turn off the latter 50%. Problem exists? It’s in the first 50%, otherwise, the latter 50%.

    Take that 50%, wash, rinse, repeat until you find the one. Then figure out what this one plugin is doing that can affect http flow. Fix the plugin let the developer know, or find another alternative.

    Hope this helps.

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