• Hi

    I have just found you very beautiful free theme, but I am wondering how I can get rid of “Welcome to Eden fresh”/”Get it now” & “Latest posts” sections on the front page.

    The second issue is just in case one cannot get rid of them, where do you edit the text?
    I might want to use custom text.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • To remove the home page top section, remove the following section in header.php (it will remove the “homepage-top.php”)

              if(is_front_page() && 'posts' != get_option( 'show_on_front' )) get_template_part('homepage','top');

    Go to the “front-page.php” to remove or customize the text. Let me know if more customization required, as you can customize the “front-page.php” code as par your requirement.

    <blockquote class="dark">
                <div class="row-fluid">
                <div class="span9">
                    <h3><?php echo edenfresh_get_theme_opts('home_featured_title','Welcome to Eden Fresh'); ?></h3>
                         echo edenfresh_get_theme_opts('home_featured_desc','Fully responsive, clean looking WordPress Theme')
              <div class="span3">
                    <a href="<?php echo edenfresh_get_theme_opts('home_featured_btnurl','https://wpeden.com'); ?>" class="btn btn-large btn-info pull-right"><?php echo edenfresh_get_theme_opts('home_featured_btntxt','Get It Now!'); ?></a>

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