• Hey all,

    I’ve been busy validating my website for the past couple of days. I’ve made some strides and knocked the number of errors from 60+ to around 20ish.

    If you check out my validation:


    and scroll down to error 30, you’ll see a common error,
    “document type does not allow element “li” here; missing one of “ul”, “ol”, “menu”, “dir” start-tag .”

    Now, I can see the error clearly in my source code when I scroll to the bottom of hte page. But in my sidebar.php, the code is different:

    <li><?php wp_loginout(); ?><?php wp_register(); ?></li>

    and thus, I can’t fgure out how to edit/fix this.

    Any ideas, anyone? Thank you in advance for helping.

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  • drursi08 – I can help you with this, I have recently validated my site. Initially I had 478 error and touch wood, it is now validated.

    1. <ul id=is_link > change to <ul id="is_link">

    ..ons of visitors to this page”onError=”this.onError=null; this.src=’https://www

    Remove the above entire Block, as there are HTML problem with it.

    3. Line 623, column 115: cannot generate system identifier for general entity “style” .

    Replace all instances of “&” with “&” upto “Line 623, column 114”.

    4. Line 623, column 132: required attribute “type” not specified .

    Add type=”text/javascript” at the start of the code.

    5. Remember to wrap <li> in either <ul> or <ol>

    I hope I have covered all.

    Thread Starter drursi08


    thanks for your help. I managed to fix a few more errors.

    But still, the specific error I’m speaking about remains.

    Usually, the whole sidebar menu is a huge list – with nested lists inside it.
    Those kind of errors happen when you edit endlessly the sidebar code and somewhere you messed up the correct nesting of the lists.
    Also, have in mind that several template tags generate their own (nested) list.


    First of all, on that page check the option for “show source” .

    Then click the line numbers in the errors to go directly to the problem.

    Ok the first error is in your side bar. See you have an extra < ul > tag and the < br > tag is not needed either. Delete both of them. That fixes the first error.

    The second error is that you have a list item out of place.

    So it should be just:

    <h2>General Info:</h2>
    <ul id="is_link">
    <li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/about-the-writer/">About Me</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/about-the-site/">About Site</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/archives/">Archives</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/legal-disclaimers/">Disclaimers</a></li>

    The next error is because you have already used that ul id for General Info and now you are using it again for Most Recent Posts. You cant do that. It has to be unquie for each one.

    So now error number 5. This one tells you what to do. Read the error message. ??

    So change this line:

    <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">

    To this:

    <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD" />

    Error number 7 is same thing. Again you are using list items wrong. List items belong to unordered or ordered lists. Not the other way around.

    For error 8 change this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://embed.technorati.com/embed/k362wah8za.js"></script>

    To This:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://embed.technorati.com/embed/k362wah8za.js"></script><li>

    See how its rapped in a list item. Its that simple. That should also fix 9 and 10.

    Errors 11-14 are again because you have to use unquine names for the id.

    Again for errors 15-17 it must be wrapped in a < li > tag.

    Errors 18-19 again always used ids.

    For error 20 you have two li tags.

    So change this:

    <li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/wp-login.php">Login</a><li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/wp-register.php">Register</a></li></ul>

    To this:

    <li><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/wp-login.php">Login</a><br/><a href="https://sevenstripes.com/blog/wp-register.php">Register</a></li></ul>

    That should fix 21 and 22 as well.

    Again for 23 and 24. Must be unqunie.

    For 25-30, again you must have it wrapped in < li > tags.

    For 31 again get rid of that. Dont need it.

    Everything else should be fixed by doing the above. ??

    Let me know if you still need help.

    Take Care,


    Thread Starter drursi08


    Will, thank you so much for your time and help!!! *BOWS DOWN!*

    I have started fixing the errors and will continue to do so tonight! ?? Thanks to all who helped very very much.

    I love you all. Seriously. Muah.

    Thread Starter drursi08


    One more question,

    I only have 2 more errors, which deal with the issue involving multiple uses of ‘<ul id=”is_link”>’.

    I used this more than once because of the CSS design attached, and I wanted to maintain the same design with the links sections I have on my blog.

    Is there any way to rectify this, besides changing the CSS to have numerous varied instances of ‘<ul id=”is_link”>’?

    Change it to class. Classes can occur multiple times on the same page.

    So, in the html code make it
    <ul class="is_link">

    and in the stylesheet change it from #is_link > to .is_link

    [BTW, the apostrophe (‘) and the backticks (`) are not the same!]

    Thread Starter drursi08


    Thanks for helping moshu.

    So, I changed every instance of #is_link to .is_link in my Stylesheet.

    The result is that my links do not look the same as they did when it was #is_link. Specifically, the text of the Links is being overlapped by a small image now — before the text did not overlap the images.

    Also, upon mousing over a link, a background color highlights the particular link (as it did before), but now the background highlight does not show the 5-pixel color on the right side of the highlight as it did before.

    I am led to believe that maybe, since changing from #is_link to .is_link that the #pagenav section of my CSS (towards the bottom) is being ignored. It looks as if that is where the CSS for the above mentioned styles in my links section were.

    Any ideas on how to fix it?

    Thread Starter drursi08


    PS – im going to revert the CSS back from .is_link to #is_link until I can figure out what the problem was.

    Thread Starter drursi08


    Still lookin for some help with this dastardly #is_link issue.

    Anyone else have similar problems when altering the desert theme?

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