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  • Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    It seems the modals arent being loaded in the footer like they should be.

    Most likely if they need to be enabled. Currently there are two modes, Sitewide and Per Page/Post, in v1.3 which released this weekend we add shortcodes.

    Setting a modal to sitewide on its settings page will load it on every page ( good for menus, footers, sidebars etc )
    Per Page/ Post options below the editor to choose which modals to load for that page / post ( best for modals needed on several pages )
    Shortcode used in body of content and can contain other shortcodes. ( Best if modal is only used in one place. )

    Thread Starter btandy


    I am becoming familiar with them. I have only added them to the 6 widgets where the read me links are. The footer will be used to take the user to that page.

    Is there something I can do to get them to work in the widgets?

    Thank you in advance for the help.



    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    If you only need them on that one page edit that page and look for the Easy Modal settings under the editor. Choose which modals are needed in the multi select box located there.

    Thread Starter btandy


    I would like to use the Easy Model on other pages as well. I am just trying to get it to work on the front home page to get familiar with the program. Please help. I am a newbie to wordpress and all this. It is very difficult to understand what may be a given that others may know.

    Thank you


    Thread Starter btandy


    I am on a widget that I would like to use. Here is my link <a class="eModal-3" href="#">Read More</a> which links to my modal created. I have created six of them and want to display each one separately on each read me. Please help with easy steps to get this to work if you would be so kind.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Ok for each modal you need to consider whether it will be needed for more than one page etc.

    If you want to make a menu link, footer link etc that will be on every page open a modal you would choose sitewide (yes) on that modals settings page. This will load it automatically on every page.

    If not then you would go to the pages you wanted it on in your case the home page and edit that page. Under the content editor is a seciton of settings labeled Easy Modal, hold ctrl and click the modals in the list there that you want loaded. Click update and save the changes then check the page again. Now that modal will load for that page and any other you do this for.

    Thread Starter btandy


    I am sorry to sound like such a beginner. I am a computer programmer and I am in need of your help. I have taken a picture of my side bar. In following your notes, I am not sure what content editor you are referring to; this ? I am using the Black Studio Tiny MCE. I don’t see the Easy Modal in there on the menu. Am I in the wrong place? I am not on a page that has an update so I am lost. Can you bare with me to make it step by step. I actually hired a wordpress guy and he bailed on me. Thank you for the help

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Sorry for the confusion. Try going to modals, then editing a modal. The second option is sitewide with options yes and no. Choose yes to make that modal available on all pages.

    Thread Starter btandy


    OK Success !! Thank you. ?? Now that I have it pop up, how can I adjust the size of the box to a particular size? This is wide.

    Thank you again for your patience. I do IT and know how you feel. I am usually on the other side.

    Thread Starter btandy


    Also, it seems like the coloring of the text is different. Is there some CSS going on that would change this?

    Thank you again.



    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Try the options tab for each modal. Settings there for size and other stuff.

    Thread Starter btandy


    Perfect. Thank you again for the help and support, but most of all, your patience. I will pay forward to someone that needs computer help which I can do.



    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Great. Be sure to rate and review the plugin

    Thread Starter btandy


    I got it just the way I envisioned it.

    I just gave it a great rating. Thank you again. I there a way to change the color of the window and such also now that I am no longer a beginner? Can I change it to square corners and put in a border?

    Very happy


    Thread Starter btandy


    Ta da – Success

    Thanks again

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