• ResolvedPlugin Author stephenblender


    (moved from another thread)

    I have not given up, I really appreciate all your effort and hard work. You are providing great support.

    This is the latest things I have tried.

    On my local test site:
    – I installed v0.71
    – All my related links are working, I can edit them and update, with no problems. They work so beautifully, YES!

    On my live test site:
    – I updated to v0.71
    – I tried the same thing on my live site, I made a few changes to the related links, then navigated away without hitting update.
    – Still no related links show up. ??
    – I tried it by editing the related links in different ways and updating the the post.
    – Still no related links show up. ??
    – I cleared my browser cache and cookies, and updated the post.
    – Still no related links show up. ??

    I am happy to keep trying different things. If you have some ideas of things I can try, I’d be happy to test them out. We will get this figured out, I just know it. Thanks for your dedication.


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  • Plugin Author stephenblender


    Treating this as a new issue lets start at the beginning looking only at the live test site.

    I have to ask this one – in the settings for the plugin is it CHECKMARKED to insert links into posts? (I know, I know … but i have to ask)

    Assuming it is. You mentioned you have Firbug installed? Are you familiar with it’s console? If you have this open while you are adding and removing links the plugin will echo the data stored ready for inserting. There is even a echo attached to the clear button to show what is currently stored for output.

    Confirm these two: turned on and links being saved for output. If ‘yes’ and ‘yes’ then I will add code to the plugin core to console it’s status to see what is going on.

    I feel really dumb… You totally nailed it. I did not have “Add links to Posts” checked. You can called this thread resolved, WAHOO!

    You can see how the related links are looking after I styled them, on my testing site. They look really great and work nicely with my responsive theme.

    I will head over right now and give you a nice review and five stars on this plugin.

    I have some ideas for a couple features but I will save them for another thread.

    Thanks again, you are awesome!

    Plugin Author stephenblender


    Nice. I love how different you styled them!

    I hope it is ok by I screen-capped your link layout and added it to the screen shots for the plugin. Let me know if you want attribution.

    I’m glad you like how I styled them.

    You are welcome to use the screen shot. For now no credit necessary. Maybe when the site I’m working on goes public, I might ask you to post an attribution link.


    I have to say I am a bit confounded, as well. Nothing shows up on page or post. Everything is checked.

    Plugin Author stephenblender


    Hmm. Have you gone to the editor page for individual pages/posts to select some content to link?

    Send me a link to your blog and I’ll take a look.

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