kaifanun, thanks. i found this from the developer but i think i am going to dump the plugin and skip the headache. he is calling it the “add location bug” https://www.charlestonsw.com/store-locator-plus-4-first-48-hours/
the text he written on the link about the issue: Some sites that upgraded from SLP3 to SLP4 are having issues with the manual add locations form. The bulk import of Pro Pack is working, however.
I have isolated the problem to the way the add location form is rendered. The name field on the add location form should have an input id of ‘store-’. If it does not the system will not load the location. I am still trying to determine why some systems are not rendering the add location form properly.
I have several theories including the overloaded indexes on servers that have been running SLP3 for several upgrade iterations. A bug in the WordPress dbDelta function creates duplicate indexes in MySQL which causes the Store Locator Plus table to exceed the 64 index limit on the table. Luckily I found a workaround to the WordPress bug that prevents the duplicate indexes in the SLP4 releases. Manually removing the sl_store_#, sl_longitude_#, and sl_latitude_# index entries, deactivating, then re-activating the base Store Locator Plus plugin will ensure the indexes and base wp_store_locator table are configured properly. You can use a tool like phpMyAdmin to remove the excess indexes or get to the MySQL command line and use the “show index in wp_store_locator” command to list the duplicates followed by “drop index sl_store_2 on wp_store_locator” for each of the excess indexes. If you are comfortable with this process I recommend checking the indexes and dropping the extras even if you are not having add location problems. Excess indexes slow down adds and updates in the database.
There may also be a problem with how the form is rendered but I cannot reproduce the problem on my development systems. After performing the above index clean up and adding a line of debugging to the live server that did reproduce the issues has caused the problem to go away.
I’m still chasing this issue and hope to have a patch today.