Home page
– Very annoying how you changed the appearance of the scrollbar so that it’s super thin.
– What’s up with your testimonials? You move your mouse around the “All testimonials” link and it moves.
– There’s not enough consistency with the appearance of links. It looks like you started with turning them blue but never finished. For now you can give them an underline appearance so colour alone isn’t used to represent them.
– How do I know what to enter into the “Subscribe to newsletter” input field? Add a label to it that describes this. Your search input field also has no label.
– You’ve got a blank heading near the your logo, did you know? You’re also missing a level 3 heading on your Testimonials section; you use a level 2 heading, “Testimonials” and then jump to a level 4 heading.
– When text is increased from 150% – 200% the navigation links are cut off.
– Your footer heading levels don’t make sense because of the level 1 heading used for “Click here to contact us”. Use a level 2 heading for that or not a heading at all (since it titles no content).