• This worked perfectly up until a couple of days ago. Instead of the player, I just get a dark grey bar where it should be.

    I’ve tried disable all plug-ins and the only one that makes a difference is disabling JetPack… in that the post displays the shortcode as actual text. Also tried changing to 2013 template, with no change in the problem.

    Example post to see the issue: https://www.moshville.co.uk/new-band-of-the-day/2013/10/new-band-of-the-day-effloresce/

    Should be a player near the bottom after the main article text.

    I’ve also just tried a test post on three other blogs, all with the same result (different plug-ins, themes, etc.)

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  • Thread Starter IainPurdie


    Update – bizarrely, I just added a new post (scheduled, not published) and the player works fine in that one. I’ve checked and rechecked the Visual and Text views of both articles, but can spot no obvious differences (other than actual content) which could cause one to work and one not to.

    I have several other articles with bandcamp players, which still don’t work as well. Tried republishing the one which fails and it’s still no go. All the older ones which aren’t working *did* work when published – I checked them at the time ??

    These ones work:

    These ones don’t:

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Could you give me a few examples of the shortcodes you used in the posts where the embed doesn’t work?


    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    Hey, Jeremy – thanks for getting back. Hope you guys enjoyed your holiday ??

    Shortcode examples for working pages (same order as above):

    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1262101746 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=2]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=308710695 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1355332006 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=1]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1319667513 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=1]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1216613778 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=2]

    And for non-working pages:

    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2480518505 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=4]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3887374019 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=1]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3623451134 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=9]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 track=3284694486 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3623451134 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=9]
    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3051863651 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=1]

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thanks! All these shortcodes seem to work just fine on my test site: I’m not sure why they don’t on your own site.

    I wonder if Bandcamp could be limiting the number of embeds from your domain.

    Could you try to disable the Shortcode embeds module in Jetpack, and then enable this plugin:

    Does the problem remain?

    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    The problem goes away, though I didn’t think it would be an issue with limited embeds. If I add a new post with an embed, it’s random as to whether it works or not. Not as if it’s worked for a while and now refuses entirely.

    The standalone app does give working players, though they’re the wrong shape/size – although in fairness I’ve not looked at the documentation so perhaps they take a different syntax to JetPack. Once I enable JetPack again, it supersedes WP-bandcamp in rendering the player if I leave WP-bandcamp enabled.

    For the moment I’ve re-enabled JetPack and disabled WP-bandcamp.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I had another look at one of the posts where the player doesn’t work:

    The embedded player is the following:

    As you can see, it doesn’t work on Bandcamp either. The problem is consequently not related to Jetpack, or to your site. That album ID doesn’t seem to exist. The correct album ID appears to be 2480518505, instead of 2147483647:

    Could you try to generate the embed codes once again for all posts where the players don’t work? You’ll probably only have to change the album ID.

    Let me know if it helps.

    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    Just going to dig through them now. Strange, though, as all of the shortcodes were generated via the “Link” button on each track/album’s page, then copied and pasted. In fact, when I spotted them not working I went back and re-did the operation. The ones used in my page code are the ones lifted directly from bandcamp – no manual editing.

    So if the problem *is* that the numbers are wrong, the question is why?

    On the other hand, if the solution is to double-check against the URL to ensure that the album number is correct then I can live with that!

    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    Coming back to this post… looks like it may have righted itself. Will replace/follow up in a moment.

    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    NOTE: According to the post you most recently added, 2480518505 is the *wrong* number and 2147483647 is the *right* one. However, I seem to get a different result than you when I click the links you provided. 2480518505 works for me whereas 2147483647 takes me to a blank page.

    Yup, just went through the steps again:

    To their bandcamp page
    Select track 4 on the left
    Select share/embed on the right
    Select “embed this track”
    Select “small”
    Select black theme (note: preview on the right shows up fine)
    Click “wordPress.com” button
    Copy text:

    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2480518505 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=4]

    i.e. the same as I already have and therefore the “wrong” album number.

    If I select the HTML code instead of wordpress shortcode, I get:

    … src=”https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2480518505/size=small/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/t=4/transparent=true/” seamless

    Again, the wrong album number.

    So where do I get the “right” one from? And why is bandcamp supplying the wrong one with certain embeds? The mystery deepens! I’m assuming at this juncture I should thank you *very* much for your help and email bandcamp support!

    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    P.S. The fact that the self-same shortcodes work fine with the alternative plug-in you pointed me at shows that the album number is fine. It’s something to do with the rendering that’s causing problems.

    At least it’s not a simple solution. I’d be kicking myself if it was something daft ??

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    According to the post you most recently added, 2480518505 is the *wrong* number and 2147483647 is the *right* one. However, I seem to get a different result than you when I click the links you provided. 2480518505 works for me whereas 2147483647 takes me to a blank page.

    2480518505 is actually the *right* number for me too. I guess I wasn’t clear enough in my last post. 2480518505 works, 2147483647 doesn’t, just like you said.

    In this post, you’re using the ID that doesn’t work, 2147483647 (#). I’m not sure why it doesn’t work, and how you got this ID in the first place though. Bandcamp might have changed the ID at some point, maybe?

    P.S. The fact that the self-same shortcodes work fine with the alternative plug-in you pointed me at shows that the album number is fine. It’s something to do with the rendering that’s causing problems.

    The other plugin doesn’t seem to help in my tests. Here is an example:

    • At the top, I used a shortcode with the *wrong* number: 2147483647
    • At the bottom, I used the number I got from the band page: 2480518505

    Since things seem to work with that plugin on your end, I wonder if another parameter could be at play here: are you logged in to Bandcamp when trying to view the players? Could you try to access these pages while being logged out, and see if it changes the output?

    You might want to contact Bandcamp as well, they might have a better insight on these embed IDs.
    Let me know how it goes!

    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    I think I may have to contact BandCamp. I’ve gone through the machinations again and again with the ones that don’t work and it routinely serves me up the same (wrong) number.

    I don’t have an account at BandCamp so I’ve never been logged in. So at least that’s definitely consistent!

    Just seems like a very bizarre set of circumstances… I’ll point them at this thread and see what they make of it.

    Thanks again – VERY much – for your time looking at this!

    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    I pointed bandcamp at this thread and specifically (as an example) went through adding the link to a Pestifer track (see links above). Despite pulling through the correct album/track ID and code, the embed worked fine with WP BandCamp (though in the wrong size/shape), but failed with JetPack.

    The final response from BandCamp was:

    That code is correct, and unlike some of the other codes you pasted, the IDs exist. I can’t explain how you would have been given non-existent codes, and no one has been able to reproduce that problem.

    The description you just gave of the Jetpack problem indicates that the issue with the non-functioning embeds lies with Jetpack alone. We don’t support that plugin, so it is up to the developer to look into what may be going on. The shortcodes work fine over here, and there aren’t any known issues with the official WordPress shortcode plugin, so I’d suggest using that until the Jetpack people have time to look into what might be going on.

    Let me know if anything else comes up, or if there’s more helpful info I might be able to provide.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    the embed worked fine with WP BandCamp (though in the wrong size/shape), but failed with JetPack.

    What’s weird is that the shortcodes also failed when using WP BandCamp in my tests, at least when the IDs were not correct.

    Here is an example:

    At the top, I used a shortcode with the *wrong* number: 2147483647
    At the bottom, I used the number I got from the band page: 2480518505

    Just so we’re not making things even more confusing with different IDs and plugins, could you try the following?

    1. In the Jetpack menu, disable the Shortcode Embeds module
    2. In Plugins > Add New, download and install WP Bandcamp
    3. Go to this page: https://www.moshville.co.uk/new-band-of-the-day/2013/09/new-band-of-the-day-the-end/

    Does the player work? If so, edit that post, copy the shortcode, and paste it here.


    Thread Starter IainPurdie


    Yup, works with WP BandCamp. The shortcode is as follows:

    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2480518505 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff t=4]

    The only issue with WP Bandcamp is that it doesn’t seem to display the players as per the shortcode generated by the site. They should be nice, thin, one-line players but WPB defaults to a box.

    The other issue is that if I disable shortcodes in Jetpack, I also “break” all my SoundCloud players. Unless I look at using a separate plug-in for those as well.

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